(Announcements and Information for Slide Rule Collectors)
The MIR is sent to all registered Circle members two or three times a year. It contains information about members, organization of events, reports, questions and answers, and articles from members, in which they share their experiences or research results. The MIR is mainly in Dutch, but also contains summaries or even complete articles in English. Since 2024, the MIR has only been sent digitally to KRING members.
One year after publication, the articles from the MIR are made public on this KRING website.
Search MIR fulltext:
Index of MIR articles
book review | translation | mystery solved | supplementsupplement |
MIR94 Jan 2025 ![]() |
6–13 | “The Mathematician” by Dieter Jörgensen; biography of Niccolá Tartaglia | Simon van der Salm |
14–18 | A mysterious military calculating instrument | Meine van Essen | |
19 | An analog navigation instrument | Chris Hakkaart | |
20–21 | Goetgevonden: Navigating the Hofvijver | Andries de Man | |
22–28 | The Philips ISO 2859 slide chart for statistical sampling | Piet Hoogkamer | |
29 | Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them | Chris Hakkaart | |
30–31 | The discovery of a LOGA 24m calculating roller | Willy Robbrecht | |
32–35 | Orderly Forgotten: The Sleeping Beauty Scenario | Chris Hakkaart | |
35–36 | Continue reading: “The Secret Formula” | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR93 nov 2024 ![]() |
5–6 | In Memoriam Bob Adams | David Rance |
7–9 | Computer error? | Andries de Man | |
10–12 | International Meeting 2024 | Chris Hakkaart | |
15–17 | Kwartetschuif (Newspaper advertisements calculator) | Andries de Man | |
18–25 | The LOGA 10 m calculating drum and LOGA slide rule in forestry | Nico Smallenburg | |
28–29 | Photonic Slide Rule with metasurfaces | Piet Hoogkamer | |
32–34 | Issues that apply to other collections | Chris Hakkaart | |
35 | The relativity of old things | Chris Hakkaart | |
36–37 | Linguistics of the slide rule | Chris Hakkaart | |
MIR92 juli 2024 ![]() |
8 | What to do with collections? | Chris Hakkaart |
9–11 | Declassified (interpretation of aerial photos) | Andries de Man | |
12 | Norwegian comic | Andries de Man | |
16 | Can a collector still sleep? | Chris Hakkaart | |
17 | New brochure on the Aristo 968 Studio | Jacques Perregaux | |
18–28 | The Pythagorean tuning and Musigraph 100 slide rule | Nico Smallenburg | |
29 | Dutch Association of Mathematics Teachers | Peter Lanser | |
30–32 | ‘Epibreren’ with an aeronautical calculating disk | Andries de Man | |
MIR91 dec 2023 ![]() |
9–11 | Rabdology | Willy Robbrecht |
11–13 | Columbus' Egg | David Rance | |
13–15 | A Finnish slide rule for the timber trade Nestler | Andries de Man | |
15–23 | John Napier's logarithm | Simon van der Salm | |
24–27 | Calculating discs for medical applications | Nico Smallenburg | |
28–31 | The logarithmic rules of Weber-Fechner and S.S. Stevens | Simon van der Salm | |
31 | Instrument for Starfighters (Sundials) | Andries de Man | |
MIR90 apr 2023 ![]() |
7–12 | The LOGA 10 m drum for English currency | Nico Smallenburg |
12–19 | Columbus’ Egg or maybe not? S.J. Houtenbos; grasparkieten; genetica; birds; genetics; | Chris Hakkaart | |
19–26 | Navigation at sea around 1730 | Nico Smallenburg | |
30 | Lovelace and Babbage: THE OPERA! | ||
31–32 | Figure shown on the title page of this MIR | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR89 nov 2022 ![]() |
4–7 | Viscosity slide rules | David Rance |
7–14 | LOGA factory and three LOGA-30 circular slide rules | Nico Smallenburg | |
15–18 | Napier Bones of Traquair House | Chris Hakkaart | |
18–24 | Gerber’s Equameter | Andries de Man | |
24 | English translation of German reference book now freely available | David Rance | |
26–28 | Quetta, Quecto, Ronna and Ronto | Chris Hakkaart | |
28–29 | Strange description | Chris Hakkaart | |
29–32 | Doctor, what are my chances? | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR88 jul 2022 ![]() |
5–10 | Mechanical calculators and medical equipment | Chris Hakkaart |
10–13 | Memory: analogue and digital | Nico Smallenburg | |
14 | Electronic slide rule calculators? | Andries de Man | |
15–16 | Rubberised hair | Andries de Man | |
16–20 | Offered: firing tables | Meine van Essen | |
21–25 | Timekeeping and navigation with Wright's universal sundial | Nico Smallenburg | |
25–30 | The FNA navigation calculation disc | Nico Smallenburg | |
31–32 | Symbols on slide rules | Meine van Essen | |
MIR87 feb 2022 ![]() |
5–13 | Slide rules for viscosity | Nico Smallenburg |
13–16 | The ALRO circular military slide rule | Meine van Essen | |
17–25 | Nestler electronic calculators | Chris Hakkaart | |
25–31 | Some special LOGA slide rule drums | Nico Smallenburg | |
31–32 | Translation of Napier’s Constructio | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR86 sep 2021 ![]() |
5–8 | Social history | Meine van Essen |
10–22 | LOGA slide rules with documentation | Willy Robbrecht | |
22–26 | A strange table calculator | Andries de Man | |
29–32 | The Graphos drawing pen | Chris Hakkaart | |
MIR85 mei 2021 ![]() |
5–8 | The logic of uncertainty (2) | Simon van der Salm |
9–10 | Slide Rules and the Metric System | Andries de Man | |
10–12 | A perpetual calendar? | Leo van der Lucht | |
12–15 | The perpetual calendar of Ir. F.W. Smallenburg from about 1907 | Nico Smallenburg | |
15 | A slide rule for left-handed people | David Rance | |
16–17 | Computing power: from slide rule to (super)computer | Chris Hakkaart | |
21–25 | Drawing aids | Nico Smallenburg | |
26–30 | A strange Thornton for AC-based calculations | Chris Hakkaart | |
31 | An interesting calculating app for nerds | Chris Hakkaart | |
31–32 | Hacking | Chris Hakkaart | |
32 | Supplement: Mathematics of Wallace's Eidograph | Ed. | |
MIR84 feb 2021 ![]() |
4–6 | Virtual slide rules | Chris Hakkaart; Andries de Man |
7–13 | Polls: the logic of uncertainty | Simon van der Salm | |
13–15 | Barbie and the Texas Instruments SR 50 | Simon van der Salm | |
15–19 | The LOGA 75 Modell RZ | Nico Smallenburg | |
19–21 | Blundell P2590: a One Off or not? | Leo van der Lucht | |
21–25 | The Indicator as used in marine propulsion machinery | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
25–29 | Burroughs Mystic Number Machine | Andries de Man | |
30–31 | “Slide Rules — A.W. Faber & A.W. Faber-Castell” | Peter Holland | |
31–32 | Interesting websites | Chris Hakkaart | |
MIR83 nov 2020 ![]() |
4–5 | Two professors: Pedoe | Simon van der Salm |
6–13 | Technical drawing; then and now | Nico Smallenburg | |
13–21 | A pencil and a slide rule; sometimes from the same manufacturer | Chris Hakkaart | |
22 | Decluttering | Andries de Man | |
22 | “Meilensteine der Rechentechnik” | Herbert Bruderer | |
26–32 | The slide rules made by F.C. Farmar for the wine and spirit trade | Nico Smallenburg | |
MIR82 jun 2020 ![]() |
4–12 | Other Relative Humidity slide rules | Francesco Basta; Chris Hakkaart; Ronald van Riet |
12–16 | Dundee Coronary Risk slide rule (Part I) | Simon van der Salm | |
16–22 | The LOGA duplex slide rule RL 150 | Nico Smallenburg | |
22–23 | Calculators in the tropics | Chris Hakkaart | |
24–25 | Otto van Poelje: “The ALRO Catalogue” | Leo van der Lucht | |
25–31 | The Gerber Variabele Scale | Chris Hakkaart | |
31–32 | The shape of the virus | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR81 mei 2020 ![]() |
3 | “The ALRO Catalogue” | Otto van Poelje |
5–6 | Interesting websites | Chris Hakkaart | |
6–14 | The hyperbolic tangent scale Th: from Verhulst to McFadden's Nobel Prize | Simon van der Salm | |
15–16 | DRAMIX | Chris Hakkaart | |
16–20 | Heijdeman: Dutch slide rule heritage | David Rance | |
20–23 | Scarcity | Andries de Man | |
23–26 | Old Dutch units | Nico Smallenburg | |
27–30 | The paper tape machine from TNO | Chris Hakkaart | |
32 | Appeal: Dundee calculating disc? | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR80 jan 2020 ![]() |
4–6 | The Gasometer in Oberhausen | Simon van der Salm |
6–8 | The ALRO reinforced concrete slide rule | Chris Hakkaart | |
9–14 | Performing subtraction with an Addiator | Kees Nagtegaal | |
15–16 | Dustbin lorries and slide rules? | Andries de Man | |
21–26 | Lorentz's calculator or not? | Chris Hakkaart | |
26 | Quote from Kettering | Andries de Man | |
28–29 | Reminiscing about the past: use a slide rule | Chris Hakkaart | |
29–31 | Mirror images and other inversions | Chris Hakkaart | |
31–32 | Control equipment | Chris Hakkaart | |
32 | Ionica Smeets: “Super logical” | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR79 jun 2019 ![]() |
6 | Puzzle question | Andries de Man |
9–15 | Brüel & Kjær Noise Analyzer 4426 | Nico Smallenburg | |
16–17 | Measuring instruments in museums | Chris Hakkaart | |
19–21 | Measuring with Nonius and Vernier | Simon van der Salm | |
21–26 | TNO museum in Waalsdorpervlakte | Chris Hakkaart et al. | |
27–30 | Exam result: the scoring hexagon | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR78 feb 2019 ![]() |
5–18 | Relative Humidity slide rules | Chris Hakkaart |
18–19 | A Dutch bamboo slide rule | Andries de Man | |
20–21 | Slide rule advertisements from 1975 | Leo van der Lucht | |
23–24 | One of a kind found in the Electrical Engineering Study Collection | Andries de Man | |
24–28 | The Curie Museum in Paris | Simon van der Salm | |
28 | Statistical truth | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR77 okt 2018 ![]() |
12–13 | Inlaid wood | Chris Hakkaart |
13 | Firefighting hose slide charts (continued) | Chris Hakkaart | |
14–15 | TUDDO | Chris Hakkaart | |
15–16 | Technology Museum Magdeburg | Simon van der Salm | |
17–19 | Cases for slide rules | Andries de Man | |
19–23 | Solving the “four fly problem” analogously | Nico Smallenburg | |
23–30 | What are analogue computers? | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR76 jul 2018 ![]() |
12–14 | Traffic noise in dB(A) | Nico Smallenburg |
14–24 | Firefighting calculating aids | Chris Hakkaart | |
25–28 | Dividers in Art, part 3: Greek mathematicians | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR75 mrt 2017 ![]() |
5–6 | Rechargeable | David Rance |
7–9 | Another ALRO for medical use Cycloop | Andries de Man | |
9–11 | Order of magnitude | Simon van der Salm | |
12–14 | Mystery object: an Abacus? | Henk Peters | |
15–23 | Linear and a-linear dB scales | Simon van der Salm | |
23–26 | Enigma Manual and the Alphabet slide rule | Chris Hakkaart | |
27–30 | Redefinition of the SI basic units | Simon van der Salm | |
30–32 | Disruption | Chris Hakkaart | |
MIR74 okt 2017 ![]() |
12–14 | Calculating in three German museums | Simon van der Salm |
16–23 | Searching for trademarks and logos | Andries de Man | |
24–29 | Dividers and Art, part 2: Dividers take the leading role | Otto van Poelje | |
30–32 | Heinrich Daemen-Schmid's calculating drum | Nico Smallenburg | |
MIR73 mei 2017 ![]() |
8–11 | Mix up, steel fibres and artificial snow | Chris Hakkaart |
12 | From analogue to wave impact engineers (De Ingenieur) | Chris Hakkaart | |
13–14 | Study collection: EWI | Chris Hakkaart | |
15–18 | Dividers in Art, part 1: Introduction | Otto van Poelje | |
18–23 | Dudeney's haberdasher's problem | Simon van der Salm | |
24–25 | Hidden Figures: a film worth watching | Otto van Poelje | |
25–27 | Slide rules at V&D | Andries de Man | |
MIR72 dec 2016 ![]() |
5–6 | Mathematical shorthand | Chris Hakkaart |
6–10 | Cologarithms and Pickett negative logarithms | Simon van der Salm | |
16–18 | TUDDO | Chris Hakkaart | |
19–22 | The weighty content of old sizes and units | Nico Smallenburg | |
23–30 | Correlation machines | Andries de Man | |
30 | Folding slide rule | Andries de Man | |
30–31 | Anna Marie Lombardi: “Johannes Kepler, Astronomer in search of Harmony” | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR71 aug 2016 ![]() |
9–10 | The IWA 63/91 pocket slide rule | Otto van Poelje |
10–11 | The Lorenz coding machine | De Volkskrant | |
11 | Slide rule hunting, repeated | David Rance | |
12–13 | Guus Craenen, “Proportionalzirkel, Vorgänger, Varianten, Nachfolger” | Simon van der Salm | |
14 | Ramanujan: The man who knew Infinity | Willy Robbrecht | |
15–27 | Graphic logarithmic tables: A picture should be worth a million numbers | David Rance | |
MIR70 mrt 2016 ![]() |
6–11 | Richter & Speer 1898 – 1905 | Harrie van Dooren |
17–18 | Artistic distribution | Simon van der Salm; David Rance | |
18 | Colour symbolism used in the stock market | David Rance | |
21–29 | Colour slide rules | David Rance | |
29–31 | Bryan Purcell: “The Inquisitive Pioneer” | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR69 okt 2015 ![]() |
5–17 | Discovering the Millionaire | Dirk Rietveld |
22–23 | Telefunken slide rule for wireless communications | Simon van der Salm | |
24–27 | Radiotelegraphy: the Telefunken Dennert & Pape 36 slide rule with logarithmic decrement scale | Simon van der Salm | |
28–30 | Le Corbusier's Modulor | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR68 jun 2015 ![]() |
7–8 | Pioneers of Computer Science: Charles Babbage | Simon van der Salm |
10 | Pioneers of Computer Science: Ada Lovelace | Simon van der Salm | |
11–13 | About rulers | Otto van Poelje | |
13–15 | Pioneers of Computer Science: Alan Turing | Simon van der Salm | |
15 | Adoption onterfdgoed.nl | Chris Hakkaart | |
15–16 | Pioneers of Computer Science: Konrad Zuse | Simon van der Salm | |
16–17 | The Imitation Game | Chris Hakkaart | |
17–18 | Pioneers of Computer Science: John von Neumann | Simon van der Salm | |
22–26 | With a bit of luck you always find something | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
26–27 | Ina Prinz (ed): “Rechnen mit Perlen/Reckoning with beads” | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR67 feb 2015 ![]() |
14 | TUDDO: circular slide rule from D&P | Chris Hakkaart |
16 | Borgdorff's approach | Simon van der Salm | |
16 | Calculating aptitude: getting a 4.5 is enough | Simon van der Salm | |
16 | The Hardy-Ramanujan number: 1729 | Simon van der Salm | |
17 | Radiation circular slide rule in the New Scientist | Simon van der Salm | |
17–18 | Trillion dollar inflation | Simon van der Salm | |
20–31 | NuPuBest and EFluBest | Andries de Man | |
MIR66 okt 2014 ![]() |
17–19 | Christmas tree formulas | Andries de Man |
20–26 | ALRO calculating disc for optical ray tracing | Otto van Poelje | |
27–32 | School compasses and dividers | Harrie van Dooren | |
MIR65 mei 2014 ![]() |
15 | New Calorie Guide | Chris Hakkaart |
16–18 | “Talmeter” from Ljungberg — tape measure for determining diameter | Louw Pals; Otto van Poelje | |
19–24 | Dr Haro’s new method of graphical notation of logarithms | Panagiotis Venetsianos | |
MIR64 jan 2014 ![]() |
10 | Collectanea de Logarithmis | Klaus Kühn |
11 | Cité des sciences et de l'industrie | Simon van der Salm | |
12–13 | Abramowitz & Stegun: “Handbook of Mathematical Functions” | Simon van der Salm | |
14–15 | The slide rule in primary and secondary education | Chris Hakkaart | |
16–17 | Can we (ever) escape the logarithm? | Simon van der Salm | |
18–19 | Arithmetic nomogram by Ir. G. Hofstede | Otto van Poelje | |
20–32 | Turning and sliding in spinning and weaving mills with LOGA calculating discs | Nico Smallenburg | |
MIR63 okt 2013 ![]() |
18–22 | Calculating disc by Benjamin Ayres (circa 1750) | Otto van Poelje |
22 | Box with rotating Napier rods in the CNAM museum, Paris | ||
23–26 | Calculating the capacity of a central heating boiler | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
27–28 | Technical drawing set by Schoenner | Harrie van Dooren | |
29–32 | Aspect ratios of pictures and calculating them with a slide rule | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR62 apr 2013 ![]() |
4–17 | A brief survey of combination slide rules | Panagiotis Venetsianos |
18 | Musée des Arts et Métiers — Parijs | Harrie van Dooren | |
19–22 | Metal slide rule by Nestler | Otto van Poelje; Gerard van Gelswijck | |
23–25 | Two slide rules from Matthijssen raise many questions | Otto van Poelje | |
26–28 | Royer | Harrie van Dooren | |
MIR61 dec 2012 ![]() |
14 | Verstraete & Royer,: “L’esprit du Compas” | Harrie van Dooren |
15–16 | Peter Holland: “Slide rules A.W. Faber-Castell - 6th Revised edition.” | ||
17–19 | Structural design slide rule by ALKU | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
20–22 | Mystery black slide rule in the Land Registery Museum | Otto van Poelje | |
22 | New uses for circular slide chart | Chris Hakkaart | |
23 | Multiplying with a linear scale | Andries de Man | |
24–29 | Advertising brochure for OMARO slide charts | Otto van Poelje; Ronald van Riet | |
MIR60 okt 2012 ![]() |
7 | David Riches: “Collecting Drawing Instruments” | |
8–11 | ONE OFF Altitude correcton computer | Jerry Tremblay | |
12–18 | Coastal navigation using a placement compass or a Snellius–Pothenot solution | Otto van Poelje | |
19–20 | Russian slide rule: size of a building! | David Rance | |
21–30 | The development of the LOGA slide rule drum bases and the standard base for the desktop 75cm LOGA slide rule discs | Nico Smallenburg | |
31–32 | RiSta slide rules | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
MIR59 mei 2012 ![]() |
9 | Colin Barnes & Tedford K. White: “Otis King calculators” | |
10–11 | Mystery pocket slide rule from France | Otto van Poelje | |
12–15 | Dutch technical drawing boxes post 1945 | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
16–20 | Original set of Mannheim instructions | Otto van Poelje | |
21–23 | Hewlett-Packard commemorative calculators | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR58 dec 2011 ![]() |
17–22 | Multifix Calculator | Huib van Noort |
23–25 | Aircraft load adjusters and other slide rules for weight & balance | Ronald van Riet | |
26–27 | Barbotheu slide rule 1 | Harrie van Dooren | |
28 | Barbotheu slide rule 2 | Harrie van Dooren | |
29–31 | REKA grid-iron with a scale length of 2.4 meters | Otto van Poelje | |
32 | Mysterious Circles | Ronald van Riet | |
MIR57 sep 2011 ![]() |
9 | Wood for cardboard, cardboard for wood | IJzebrand Schuitema |
10–13 | Worrying about calculating skills in the health service | Simon van der Salm | |
14–19 | The Contex manual calculator: its clones and a demonstration model | Huib van Noort | |
20 | ITAB magnetic slide rule | Otto van Poelje | |
21–25 | Once more: mystery Sun-Hemmi slide rule with n and L scales | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
26–28 | Mystery slide rule with balls | Otto van Poelje | |
29 | LINEX balls solves mystery | David Rance | |
30–31 | Remarkable ST hairline on Faber 2/83N cursor | Otto van Poelje | |
32–32 | Mental arithmetic, it still exists | Chris Hakkaart | |
MIR56 mei 2011 ![]() |
7–9 | The KRING at Collector's Fairs | Otto van Poelje; Leo van der Lucht |
10 | Lemma slide rule in Wikipedia | Simon van der Salm | |
10 | Slide rule (almost) disappeared | Rob Biersma | |
14–20 | Golden Gem, a chain driven adding machine | Huib van Noort | |
21–23 | Dreieckrechner revisited: an “impossible” DR3 and finally the DR1? | Ronald van Riet | |
24–25 | Lady with a slide rule | Chris Hakkaart | |
26–27 | Mystery slide rule Sun-Hemmi with n and L scale | Otto van Poelje | |
28 | Infinite slide rule | Andries de Man | |
28 | Wanted: J.N. Arnold, “Special Slide Rules” | Andries de Man | |
MIR55 dec 2010 ![]() |
9–10 | Guus Craenen: “Rechenschieber im Wandel der Zeit 1588 – 1918” | Simon van der Salm |
18–20 | Re: When the bomb drops… | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
21–22 | Mystery ruler from Kleman with transversal scales for sinus and chord | Otto van Poelje | |
22 | The number ‘π’ | ||
23–28 | Patents | Andries de Man | |
29–31 | ONE OFF sugar beets; suikerbieten | Henk Peters | |
MIR54 okt 2010 ![]() |
6–10 | IM2010 report, 17th & 18th September 2010 in Leiden | Nico Smallenburg |
12 | Collecting slide rules, how long can it carry on? | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
16–21 | RADIAC: when the bomb drops… | Andries de Man | |
22–23 | The Dumont calculating disc | Gerrit te Vaarwerk | |
24–25 | Your brand is your silent salesman! | David Rance | |
26–29 | Plus adding machine and Plus-Demo | Huib van Noort | |
30–31 | Solution to mystery D&P slide rule with “broken powers” Dennert & Pape | Otto van Poelje | |
32 | IM2010 Workshop N-cards (Numeracy Cards) | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR53 apr 2010 ![]() |
14–17 | Slide rules in the catalogues of office equipment company Ahrend | Otto van Poelje |
18–23 | Determining diesel engine power on the high seas | Jaap Dekker | |
24–27 | Bassett Adder is a best-seller | Huib van Noort | |
MIR52 dec 2009 ![]() |
13 | IM2009 – a bit Déjà Vu | David Rance |
14 | Peter Hopp: “Joint slide rules” | Otto van Poelje | |
18–22 | Aristo 10082 circular slide rule for sprit level measurement | Otto van Poelje | |
23–24 | ONE OFF: Faber Castell | Chris Hakkaart | |
25–27 | Mercedes-Euclid and the final 1 | Jaap Dekker | |
28–28 | First Aid disc | Chris Hakkaart | |
29–32 | The Stima calculator | Huib van Noort | |
MIR51 aug 2009 ![]() |
11–12 | Peter Holland: “Slide Rules — A.W. Faber & A.W. Faber-Castell” | Otto van Poelje |
15–23 | Financial calculations with various LOGA calculators | Nico Smallenburg | |
24–25 | Tavernier-Gravet | Harrie van Dooren | |
26–29 | A Webb Adder | Huib van Noort | |
30–32 | French circular slide rule: Montre Logaritmique | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR50 apr 2009 ![]() |
9 | IJzebrand Schuitema & Otto van Poelje: “The Schuitema Collection” | Otto van Poelje |
10 | John Bryant & Chris Sangwin: “How round is your circle?” | David Rance | |
11 | My first slide rule | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
12 | Slide rules loaned out for mathematics lessons in schools | Otto van Poelje | |
13 | ALRO slide charts and cards: an ALRO catalogue in the making | Otto van Poelje | |
16–21 | BIOMATE: Biorhythm computer | Jaap Dekker | |
22–24 | Original Odhner | Huib van Noort | |
25–28 | DIN or DiN? | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
28 | Egg slide rule | Andries de Man | |
29–30 | More about the Ahrend 661 and other cardboard slide rules | Otto van Poelje | |
31–33 | Société des lunetiers (SL) — (1849 – 1972) | Harrie van Dooren | |
34–39 | Medical Calculation Disc by Dr. A. Lips | Peter M. Bloemendaal | |
MIR49 dec 2008 ![]() |
9–11 | My collection has a new home | IJzebrand Schuitema |
12–13 | Presentation of the Wolfgang-Paul Medal to IJzebrand Schuitema | Otto van Poelje | |
18–20 | BriCal adding machine | Huib van Noort | |
21 | A ONE OFF dethroned: Ahrend 661 | Chris Hakkaart; Jaap Dekker | |
21–22 | Are slide rules made from cardboard rare? | Jaap Dekker | |
23–25 | Logz circular slide rule | Harrie van Dooren | |
25–28 | Slide rule for calculating days of the week | Chris Hakkaart | |
29–32 | The Erlang slide rule disc for calculating bottlenecks | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR48 aug 2008 ![]() |
7 | Reflections after having slide rules as a hobby for 25 years | IJzebrand Schuitema |
8–9 | Slide rule on a postage stamp (2) | Ronald van Riet | |
10–13 | On collecting, preservation and stewardship | Otto van Poelje | |
14–15 | Dutch technical drawing boxes | Harrie van Dooren | |
16–19 | Adix-I | Huib van Noort | |
20–22 | Electric slide rules | Andries de Man | |
23–26 | Demolition charge computing tape measure | Otto van Poelje | |
27–28 | ONE OFF: Ahrend 661 | Chris Hakkaart | |
MIR47 apr 2008 ![]() |
12–13 | Floris Cohen: “The Re-creation of the World” | IJzebrand Schuitema |
14–15 | Slide rule on a postage stamp | Ronald van Riet | |
15 | Slide rule and field of expertise | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
16 | Bundling of articles over manufacturers | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
17–19 | ONE OFF: Resulta adding machine in a one-off version | Huib van Noort | |
20–23 | The Addiator — the digital brother of the slide rule | Jaap Dekker | |
24–25 | Pickett's N4 | John Krijnen | |
26–27 | E.D.F. 210 – a French slide rule | Ronald van Riet | |
28–32 | Irish logarithms | Andries de Man | |
33–38 | The divider as a calculation tool | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR46 dec 2007 ![]() |
9–13 | Sun Hemmi Japanese Navy Type 98 Movement Board | Ronald van Riet |
13–14 | Lack of space Smith-Davis Piecework Balance Calculator | Andries de Man | |
15 | Knowledge, what is it? | Chris Hakkaart | |
16–17 | Memories | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
17–18 | Wanted: information concerning Tröger | Chris Hakkaart | |
18 | UTO cursors available | IJzebrand Schuitema; Gerard van Gelswijck |
19 | Mechanical calculators on postage stamps | Huib van Noort | |
MIR45 sep 2007 ![]() |
16–21 | Slide rule for urine d’Ambard; Franklin McLean; Boos; K&E | Gerald Tremblay; Chris Hakkaart; Andries de Man |
22–26 | Cornelis Jan Dussel 1900 – 1972 | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
26 | Keyboard patent | Andries de Man | |
27 | PC from Caesar's time reveals its secrets | Chris Hakkaart | |
28 | Men of collecting slide rules | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
29 | N. Baaijens: “The burden of calculation” (AO series) | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR44 apr 2007 ![]() |
5–6 | Sharp EL-8, an early pocket calculator from 1970 | Otto van Poelje |
7 | Request for information | Huib van Noort | |
7–11 | Slide rule gains market share | David Rance | |
13 | A calculation problem for the mathematicians among us | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
14–15 | Hairline in glass | Huib van Noort | |
16–18 | The dating of chemical slide rules | Andries de Man | |
18–20 | The Golden Age of Drawing Instruments Chapter 5, “KERN Response” | Guus Craenen | |
21 | From a flea market to the IM2007 | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR43 dec 2006 ![]() |
6 | TELEMETRE scale | Otto van Poelje |
10 | Calculation instruments in Ghent | Chris Hakkaart | |
11 | The most pointless calculating disc ever? | Ronald van Riet | |
16–26 | The golden age of drawing instruments | Guus Craenen | |
29–32 | Drawing pens [2] | Harrie van Dooren | |
MIR42 sep 2006 ![]() |
6 | Exhibition sample | Chris Hakkaart |
7 | Jaap's slide rules and calculators | Leo de Haan | |
7–9 | Slide charts: how and what to investigate in the near future | Chris Hakkaart | |
9 | KRING members with an Internet website | Otto van Poelje | |
10–13 | Dutch instrument makers Becker; Becker & Buddingh; De Koningh | Harrie van Dooren | |
15–16 | Inventory of general ALRO 13 cm circular slide rules in collections of KRING members | Otto van Poelje | |
16–17 | Well used ALRO circular slide rule | Chris Hakkaart | |
20–23 | Stipplers dotting pens; drawing pens; Haff; Richter; ivorine | Harrie van Dooren | |
24–28 | Keyboards | Chris Hakkaart | |
29–30 | Slide rule as a status symbol | Dries Molen; Jacob Siebelink | |
MIR41 mrt 2006 ![]() |
8 | Dating plastic Aristo slide rules Straps on Aristo slide rules | Frans Vaes |
9–10 | Museums/exhibitions with slide rules Belgium; France | Chris Hakkaart | |
11–15 | Slide Rules & Other Mechanical Calculators in Aviation: an Overview flight computer; load balancer | Ronald van Riet | |
15 | Help requested for project: Manufactured in Holland | Otto van Poelje | |
16 | The Baraban – Bardot relationship | Harrie van Dooren | |
17–26 | The standard 13 cm circular slide rules made by ALRO Dutch slide rules; ALRO | Otto van Poelje | |
27–31 | A special slide rule by Werkspoor screw cutting on the lathe | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
32 | Calculating with triangles triangulator; trigonometry; slide charts | Ronald van Riet | |
33–40 | Drawing pens [1] drawing pens; ruling pens | Harrie van Dooren | |
41–42 | Logarithmic divider logarithmic compass; logarithm; compasses; Richter; Mehmke | Otto van Poelje | |
43 | Laying railway tracks the French way Extensions of rails; railroad; extension; rail-space; Magnien; SNCF | Ronald van Riet | |
43 | People and slide rules | Rod Lovett | |
MIR40 nov 2005 ![]() |
7–12 | Slide rules for surveying tachymetry; Nestler; Aristo; Kern; Morin | Otto van Poelje |
13–16 | Strange sizes, those English sizes British units of measurement; British units; measurement | Leo de Haan | |
17–18 | Alloy slide rule by Maurice DAMIEN Slide rule 'Maurice Damien'; slide rule; Frence slide rules; Damien | Harrie van Dooren | |
21 | Email communication on Staffel Comptator | Otto van Poelje | |
22–24 | Drawing inks drawing pens | Harrie van Dooren | |
24 | Help: what is this? | Chris Hakkaart | |
25 | Indian ink suppliers Canton; Nanking | Harrie van Dooren | |
30 | It is all rubbish | Harrie van Dooren | |
30 | Designer of sewerage slide rule: K. Kasper, 1911 – 2005 | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR39 jul 2005 ![]() |
7 | Mystery: how does this Staffel Comptator work? interest rate | John Vossepoel |
8–12 | Map computer for gliders final-glide computer; flight computer; slide rule; glider; final glide | Otto van Poelje | |
12 | Ted Hume & Bob Koppany: “The OS Slide Rule Reference Manual” manual; slide rule; beginner; maintenance; history; brands; models | ||
13–18 | Planimeters planimeter; surveying; indicator | Harrie van Dooren | |
18–22 | The ‘Tavernier-Gravet’ code and some details about the school slide rules Tarvernier-Gravet; slide rules; règles des ecoles | Frans Vaes | |
25 | Calculating with angles | Otto van Poelje | |
25–26 | Curt Herzstark, “Kein Geschenk für den Führer” Curt Herzstark; Curta; slide rules | ||
27 | “Mechanical Calculating” in Technology Museum Delft Techniek Museum Delft: Calculating Machines in new Exposition | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR38 mrt 2005 ![]() |
11–12 | BERVILLE French slide rule: Berville — Paris slide rule; Berville; Tavernier-Gravet; Marc | Willy Robbrecht |
13–14 | A rare French maker: DUVAL French slide rule; slide rule | Otto van Poelje | |
14 | Modified slide rule: AEROFOTO - GIOVINE | Harrie van Dooren | |
15–21 | Military slide rules | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
22–25 | Doing subtraction on adding machines using complementary numbers calculating machines; counting machines; adding machines | Huib van Noort | |
25 | Polychrome | Otto van Poelje | |
26–29 | Photographing collectibles | Harrie van Dooren | |
30 | Call for contributions on logarithms | Klaus Kühn | |
30–31 | The Kring in “euclides” – professional magazine for mathematics teachers Calculating Instruments in society and school | Otto van Poelje; Simon van der Salm | |
32 | John Napier, the inventor of logarithms? | Jo Donners | |
36–37 | Museum and Sea Aquarium Contributions to an exposition in ‘Museum en Zeeaquarium’ — Delfzijl | Otto van Poelje | |
37 | Chris Wolff – The Measure of All Things … | Chris Hakkaart | |
38–43 | The Measure of All Things … | Chris Wolff | |
MIR37 nov 2004 ![]() |
9–11 | Vlacq Table of Logarithms, 1742 | Otto van Poelje |
11 | Do we know for certain who invented the logarithm? | Chris Hakkaart | |
11 | The slide rule — Object of World Heritage | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
13–16 | The COMPTATOR counting machine – inside and outside Restoration of a Comptator counting machine; Comptator; restoration; adding machine | Huib van Noort | |
16 | The slide rule back at school! Side Rule: Again at school (?) | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
20,24 | Guus Craenen: “Albert Nestler: Innovation and Quality” Nestler; slide rules | Simon van der Salm | |
21–22 | Other transversal scales [2] watch glasse gauges; ligne; line; crystals; watch glasses | Harrie van Dooren | |
25–26 | Nico Smallenburg: “The LOGA Calculators” LOGA; slide rules | Simon van der Salm | |
26 | Better to slide than to push buttons | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
27 | Strange slide rule? UNIS France | Harrie van Dooren | |
27 | Quality rulers or … | ||
30–31 | Klaus Kühn & Karl Kleine: “Dennert & Pape” Memorial book ‘Dennert & Pape’; Dennert; D&P; Dupa; Dennert & Pape; Aristo | Guus Craenen | |
MIR36 jun 2004 ![]() |
5–8 | Diagonal scales – a critical assessment Diagonal Scales; Gunter Rules | Otto van Poelje |
9–12 | Browsing French ‘antiquités-brocante’ markets; France; collecting; markets; brocantes; antiquités; dépôts-ventes; Emmaüs | Harrie van Dooren | |
12 | Pen keeper Murphy pen stand; Ph. Simmons & Co.; E. Wolff & Son; potato | ||
13–14 | Why the M7? Why M7? normalization; ISO-norm; thread; M7 | Gerard van Gelswijck | |
14 | How is your accuracy? Simple way to check the accuracy of any slide rule. Accuracy test; quality; scales; Peter Soole | David Rance | |
15–17 | Small tour of the Netherlands and about the slide rule Sightseeing Holland and slide rule conversation. The Netherlands; Holland; slide rule conversation | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
19 | Drawing instruments drawing instruments; drawing tables; drawing triangles; drawing curves | Chris Hakkaart | |
20–22 | Collectible: Drawing instruments About buying drawing instruments. drawing instruments; compasses; Van Pelt | Harrie van Dooren | |
23 | Inner Circle, an idea Dutch Circle; Inner Circle | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR35 feb 2004 ![]() |
9–11 | French slide rules and all that French slide rules; What do we know about them? French slide rules; Tavernier-Gravet; Barbotheu; Morin; Marc; Unis France | Harrie van Dooren |
12–14 | Marc pocket slide rules Marc pocket slide rules; development of the cursor and common gauge marks; pocket slide rules; Marc; Unis France; gauge marks | Harrie van Dooren | |
18–26 | Morin – not strictly a slide rule maker Morin – Maker and retailer of excellent surveying instruments; Morin; pocket slide rules | Willy Robbrecht | |
27–28 | Calculating disc for determining hardness of metals hardness; Brinell; Morin | Harrie van Dooren | |
29–34 | Goniometric scales on generic slide rules Historical Overview of Common Goniometrical Scales; sine; tangent; goniometric scales; Gunter; Oughtred; Mannheim | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR34 okt 2003 ![]() |
13–16 | International Meeting 2003: a great success for the Dutch KRING | Simon van der Salm |
16–19 | The Darmstadt slide rule and the P-Scale | John Mosand | |
19 | A maths joke | Chris Hakkaart | |
19 | English version of book by Schuitema and Van Herwijnen | ||
21–23 | IJzebrand Schuitema: “The Slide Rule, Technical Cultural Heritage” | Otto van Poelje | |
23–25 | Interesting books about measuring and calculating | Simon van der Salm | |
25–26 | The Engineer, a poem about technical types | Jaap Dekker | |
29 | Visit to Heinz Joss | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
29–36 | Samuel Vögeli: a Laupener Adam Ries | Heinz Joss | |
36–37 | How did that go again? Horsepower and Pferdestärke | ||
38 | An interview with IJzebrand Schuitema in the Technical Weekblad of March 7th, 2003 | Henk Tolsma | |
39–52 | Renard’s Preferred Numbers | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR33 mrt 2002 ![]() |
18–20 | UNIS France | Willy Robbrecht |
22–29 | Ken Alder: “The Measure of All Things” | Simon van der Salm | |
30–39 | The Pickett Model 4 | Michael P. O'Leary | |
39–44 | Chi-square and the Pickett N-525-T | Simon van der Salm | |
45–50 | Mr Van Dalen's alternative answer: RPN | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR32 nov 2002 ![]() |
14–21 | Exhibition experiences Experiences of slide rule expositions since the late 80's; slide rule; exposition | IJzebrand Schuitema |
22 | My destiny is being number 2 Always been number 2, and enjoying it; personal; history; thoughts | Herman van Herwijnen | |
23–26 | Using the slide rule for training in computing Using the slide rule for training in computing; personal; education | Simon van der Salm | |
27 | Back then I had just 5 slide rules! Then I had only 5 rules! Recollections of the start of a hobby; personal; recollections | David Rance | |
28–30 | Research into Gunter rulers: an intermediate report Intermediate report on a study into Gunter rules and their application in navigation; Gunter; plain scale | Otto van Poelje | |
31–33 | Shuffling the cards? History of the late 19th century competition in design of drawing compasses; drawing instruments; compasses; Richter; Kern; Riefler | Guus Craenen | |
34–39 | Barbotheu Barbotheu: the unknown french slide rule; French slide rule; Barbotheu; Tavernier-Gravet; Soho slide rule | Harrie van Dooren | |
40–45 | The clamping systems on the LOGA slide rule drums Braking systems on Loga drum calculators to immobilize the drum, or to fasten the grid to the drum; Loga; drum calculator; brake | Nico Smallenburg | |
46–48 | The El, Ellestok, Ellemaat or Ellen Collecting Dutch yard sticks, and variations in measures of length; yard; yardstick | Leo de Haan | |
49–55 | The demise of the Slide Rule The demise of the slide rule, and the electronic calculators and computers that took its place; electronic calculator; computer; HP35 | Otto van Poelje | |
56–58 | IM2002, Royal Leamington Spa, October 25th and 26th | David Rance | |
MIR31 jun 2002 ![]() |
6–14 | Pocket slide rules from the brand: MARC MARC is a well-known French firm producing pocket slide rules. This article describes six models; pocket slide rule; MARC | Willy Robbrecht |
17 | Musée des arts et métiers | Harry van Dooren | |
24–26 | Jo Donners: “Mr van Dalen gets an answer” review of book about the history of all kinds of methods of calculation | Otto van Poelje | |
27–31 | Elections and the Pickett N-525-T A number of statistical scales of the Pickett N-525 statistical slide rule is explained by means of the calculation of a confidence interval of proportions and percentages that we could applicate for political election polls; statistics; statistical slide rule; Pickett N-525-T | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR30 jan 2002 ![]() |
19–20 | Thomas A. Russo: “Antique Office Machines: 600 Years of Calculating Devices” book review; office machines | David Rance |
20–22 | Memorabilia memorabilia; pirate; World Mathematical Year; stamps; Ishango | Simon van der Salm | |
23–24 | Dividers | Harry van Dooren | |
25 | Just like that … | Harry van Dooren | |
MIR29 okt 2001 ![]() |
10–13 | The ‘wrong’ calculating disc of Apianus from 1540 Apianus; astronomy; cartography; instruments | Nico Baaijens |
22–24 | Guus Craenen: “Albert Nestler: Innovation and Quality” | Simon van der Salm | |
25–40 | Collecting … gauge marks! gauge points | Panagiotis Venetsianos | |
41–42 | What belongs in a collection? colourful attributes; slide-rule memorabilia; postage stamps | David Rance | |
MIR28 mei 2000 ![]() |
5–6 | Researching the Hans Dennert Collection | IJzebrand Schuitema |
8–12 | Marks on Electro type slide rules (1): ρCu en ρAl gauge marks | Simon van der Salm | |
12–13 | 2 x 3 is approximately 6 | Chris Hakkaart | |
18–21 | A Faber-Castell Electro 378 | Simon van der Salm | |
MIR27 jan 2001 ![]() |
14–18 | Designing special slide rules | Jo Donners |
18 | Dieter von Jezierski & Rodger Shepherd (transl.): “Slide rules, a journey through three centuries” | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
27–34 | Hyperbolic functions on slide rules and Civil Engineering applications | Pierre Vander Meulen | |
MIR26 okt 2000 ![]() |
7 | A logarithm poem | Ernst Koper |
9–15 | The catenary and hyperbolic functions | Simon van der Salm | |
16–17 | Dutch slide rule by J.M. Kleman | Otto van Poelje | |
MIR25 aug 2000 ![]() |
11–14 | Circular Slide Rules for Diving 2 | IJzebrand Schuitema |
15–17 | Painting depicting a slide rule | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR24 mrt 2000 ![]() |
5–6 | The 5th degree root | Benoit Kammerer; Simon van der Salm |
8–9 | Peter M. Hopp, “Slide Rules, Their History, Models, and Makers” | Simon van der Salm | |
12–15 | Circular slide rules for diving | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
15–18 | Also: a drainage circular slide rule | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
19–20 | Heinz Nixdorf Museum | Chris Hakkaart | |
MIR23 nov 1999 ![]() |
4–5 | ARISTO - 80109 - WAVIN | IJzebrand Schuitema |
6–9 | The leading digit phenomenon Benford | Simon van der Salm | |
11 | Hemmi slide rules | ||
MIR22 mei 1999 ![]() |
11–12 | Beware of counterfeiting Blaise Pascal; Leonardo | Nico Baaijens |
13–14 | IHZ-ZIS slide rule for calculating cooling times | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
15–20 | John Napier's logarithm | Simon van der Salm | |
21–24 | Rabdologia, part 4 | Jo Donners | |
24 | Decimal-binary | ||
25 | Peter Hopp, “Slide rules - Their History, Models and Makers” | ||
25 | Help! packaging; mold; conservation | Harrie van Dooren | |
MIR21 dec 1998 ![]() |
9–13 | The surveying slide rule | Harrie van Dooren |
13 | Slide rules for special trades or professions | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
15–18 | Faber-Castell slide rules part II | Frans Vaes | |
26 | Who knows … | Pierre Vander Meulen | |
32 | Ignorance … | Thomas van der Zijden | |
MIR20 okt 1998 ![]() |
7 | Information from technical journals | IJzebrand Schuitema |
7–8 | My trip to England | Thomas van der Zijden | |
9 | The surveying slide rule | Harrie van Dooren | |
10 | How it all started | Thomas van der Zijden | |
10 | About a slide rule with a log scale | Thomas van der Zijden | |
11–14 | The x-scale | Harrie van Dooren | |
18 | A little more about the Gaussian logarithm | Thomas van der Zijden | |
MIR19 jul 1998 ![]() |
3 | The history of the Dutch slide rule | Harrie van Dooren |
3 | Request 1: the x-scale | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
5–16 | Faber “Castell” slide rules | Frans Vaes | |
19 | A special meeting Alex E.S. Green | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR18 feb 1998 ![]() |
7–8 | Non regular spherical triangle | Erwin van Asbeck |
9–18 | Some facts and impressions on Chinese slide rules | Pierre Vander Meulen | |
19–24 | What is a slide rule? | Harrie van Dooren | |
25–26 | Storage system | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR17 sep 1997 ![]() |
6 | Request: Dutch contributions to the design of special slide rules | IJzebrand Schuitema |
9 | Blundell Harling | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
13 | The ruler and its scale | ||
31 | Custom encoding of scales | Herman van Herwijnen | |
32–34 | What's in a name | Herman van Herwijnen | |
34 | What's in the catalogue | Herman van Herwijnen | |
MIR16 jun 1997 ![]() |
6–7 | Rabdology 3 | |
7 | The slide ruler and its scale | Harrie van Dooren | |
8 | Dieter von Jezierski, “Rechenschieber - eine Documentation” | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
9 | Reinforced concrete circular slide rule by Charles Brand & Son. LTD. | ||
10–11 | Portobello Road | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR15 apr 1997 ![]() |
4–5 | Rabdology 2 | Jo Donners |
6 | Log-Log scales and e-powers | M van Pul | |
8 | The puzzling slide rule explained | IJzebrand Schuitema | |
MIR14 jan 1997 ![]() |
9–11 | Slide rule for transition curve designed by Wolthekker | IJzebrand Schuitema |
11 | Slide rule hunting | Jaap Dekker | |
13–15 | Rabdology | Nico Baaijens | |
16–17 | Mannheim and the cursor | Harrie van Dooren | |
MIR13 okt 1996 ![]() |
11–13 | IWAMATIC 1650 and the Vötsch-variant | IJzebrand Schuitema |
MIR12 jun 1996 ![]() |
2–4 | The graphic EIN MAL EINS | Frans Vaes |
6–7 | Gaussian logarithms | Thomas van der Zijden | |
13–14 | Cook: a London-based maker | ||
MIR11 feb 1996 ![]() |
MIR10 jan 1996 ![]() |
13–14 | Evaluation of the test to assess condition | Herman van Herwijnen |
MIR9 aug 1995 ![]() |
6–7 | L and LL scales | IJzebrand Schuitema |
8–9 | The Blue Book!! Appeal !! | Herman van Herwijnen | |
MIR8 apr 1995 ![]() |
MIR7 dec 1994 ![]() |
MIR6 sep 1994 ![]() |
4–5 | Forestry slide rule by Christens | |
MIR5 apr 1994 ![]() |
MIR4 dec 1993 ![]() |
1–13 | Guidelines for cataloguing calculating aids | Herman van Herwijnen |
MIR3 nov 1993 ![]() |
MIR2 jul 1993 ![]() |
4–5 | Purchasing experience in England | IJzebrand Schuitema |
MIR1 nov 1992 ![]() |