Simulations and animations

of historical calculating instruments


A series of ALRO calculating disks has been simulated online.

The MIR article “De algemene rekenschijven van ALRO” gives a general introduction to the Dutch slide rule manufacturer ALRO (in Dutch).

More information is given in Otto van Poelje's book “The ALRO Catalogue”.

A special medical application was the “Klinische Rekencirkel van Dr. A. Lips”, produced by ALRO.

For a description of this calculating disc (in Dutch), see the article in MIR 50 of april 2009, p. 33–38.

Have a look at the original manual of the Lips Rekencirkel, in Dutch.

This calculating disc can be manipulated virtually in the "LIPS" online animation, designed by Peter Bloemendaal.


Various slide rule simulations

Make your own simulation!
Use the online simulator for calculating discs or slide rules. See the (Dutch) manual in MIR 84 page 4–6.

Simulation of calculating machines

Various simulations of mathematical instruments