International Meeting 2024

Online meeting of collectors and researchers of calculating instruments.

slidechart IM2024 as a virtual ZOOM meeting
Date: 21 and 22 September 2024.
Time: about 4PM–8PM UTC, 9AM–1PM PDT, 12–4PM EDT, and (18h)6PM–(22h)10PM CEST, so the presentations can be joined all over the world.
Theme: Slide Rules and Slide Charts for Special Subjects
More info: update, with corrected Auction time (Sep 18, 2024)
Participants: Before September 1, 2024 we would like to know if you have the intention to join the IM. We will send you a link before the Meeting. Contact us at @
Presentation topic: Before August 1, 2024 we would like to know if you have the intention to give a presentation. The total duration of a presentation is in principle about 30 minutes, including discussion.
PowerPoint Before September 1, 2024 we would like to receive your PowerPoint (or equivalent) for further processing.
Final Paper Before September 1, 2024 we would like to receive your text in “flat Word” or equivalent in one column. You may use bold and italics. The Editor will take care for page size and margins. Photos and illustrations are allowed.
Communication to: @
Optional activities for all participants:
Display of your own collection:

Some collectors display their collection, others store it in boxes. We can admire the efforts of everybody by showing it by 1 or 2 photos.
Interesting aspects to discuss:
  • How do you display your collection?
  • How do you store your collection?
  • Is it easy to find a certain SR in your storage?
  • Is your collection accepted by your family?
  • What are you plans for the future?
Please send an image of your way of displaying your collection before September 14, so we can prepare a slide show (which will not be published), which you can explain yourself during the meeting.
Your first Slide Rule:

It would of interest if participants present their first Slide Rule or other first calculating instrument by 1 or 2 photos.
Interesting aspects to discuss:
  • At what age did you start using the SR?
  • Did you have a choice between SRs?
  • Did you use your SR regularly?
  • Do you display your first SR?
  • Are you kids happy if they inherit this SR?
Please send an image of your first Slide Rule before September&nsbp;1, 2024, so we can prepare a slide show in which you can explain the item yourself during the meeting.