Jakar 1005 | 1468 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 285x40x4 mm Front Scales: S K A = B CI C = D L T |
Jakar 1006 D | 1469 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 292x43x5.4 mm Front Scales: 10inch / K DF = CF CIF CI C = D A Back Scales: = TI1 TI2 L SI = |
Jakar 1013 | 3289 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 284x37x5 mm Front Scales: 25cm / LL2 A = B C = D LL3 |
Jakar 33 Duplex Log Log | 1465 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 179x36x4 mm Front Scales: LL-0 K A = B T S C = D P L LL0 Back Scales: LL-1 LL-2 LL-3 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Jakar 511 | 3892 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 159x39x4 mm Front Scales: 5inch / LL3 LL2 A = B CI C = D K LL1 Back Scales: = T2 T1 L S = |
Jakar 523 D | 3286 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 151x37x5 mm Front Scales: 13cm / K DF = CF CI C = D A \ 5inch Back Scales: = T2 T1 L S = |
Jason 802 | 5047 | Generic slide rule |
Jersey Average Seismic Velocity | 2879 | Seismology slide rule of plastic, 330x83x6 mm Front Scales: Tx = To = 1) 2) = X V = Back Scales: = X V = Tx = To To = Tx |
Johnston Hydraulic Tester | 1479 | Log/tech slide chart of cardboard, 160x76x1.7 mm |
Jorgensen Universal Circle | 3678 | Generic cylinder of plastic, 99x69.5 mm (1970) Front Scales: x3 = x x = x x = x x2 = x2 |
Jubo Zwiegenäht | 1489 | Generic disc of metal, 134 mm Front Scales: C = D |
Kane Mark VI | 1490 | Aviation disc of metal, 237x97 Ø145 mm (1957) |
Kartenwinkelmesser AK - 4 | 2679 | Military disc of plastic, 215x165x0.8 mm (1975) Front Scales: divers scales |
Kartenwinkelmesser with rule. Rule not shown | 2730 | Military disc of plastic, 164x215x1 mm Front Scales: divers scales |
Kasper rioolberekening | 1491 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 435x78x14 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) = 5) 6) 7) = 8) 9) |
Kathrein Antennenwahler | 5417 | By Kahtrein, technical disc of cardboard, 161x1.5 mm (1958) Front Scales: Polarisation = Kat.No Type Gewinn VR-Verhaltn. Vert.Offn.W. Hor.Offn.W. |
Keimpema PTT Radiologische Schijf | 0097 | Technical disc of plastic, 140x1.4 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) = 4) 5) |
Kempenich Prestilog Profitmeter | 5084 | Financial disc |
Kemperman Schroefbout Afmetingen | 1495 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 223x96x1.4 mm |
Kemperman Schroefdraadtabel 11313 | 1494 | Technical slide chart |
Kenyon Bruehl Marine Protractor | 3524 | Nautical protractor of metal, 560x130x20 mm |
Kessler Energy conversion factors | 3954 | Conversion rule/cursor no slide of plastic, 194x42x1 mm |
Kieback EQH Kennlinienschieber | 5269 | Log/tech slide chart of cardboard, 100x205x2.5 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Kingson Pocket Calculator with addiator | 1544 | Generic rule/addiator of aluminium, 158x37.5x7 mm Front Scales: A = 5inch B C1 C 14cm = D Back Scales: Addiator 6 rows |
Klawun 300 Mentor | 1546 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 297x40x3.2 mm Front Scales: L DF = CF CI C = D A P sin tan |
Klöckner Moeller | 3681 | Technical slide chart of plastic |
Knoll ECG liniaal Frequency QT Interval Electrocardiogram | 5387 | Medical rule no cursor no slide of plastic, 203x50x1 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Koch Wasserversorgung und Entwässerung | 1551 | Log/tech slide rule of wood/plastic, 279x38x11 mm Front Scales: 26cm / J V D = QJ Qv = 1) G L ] 10inch |
Kodak Eastman Film Kodaguide Color Rendering and Filter Factors | 3518 | Photography Table of cardboard, 76x117x1 mm (1940) Front Scales: Tables Back Scales: Tables |
Kodak kV - mAs Computer | 3478 | Photography disc of cardboard, 178x253x1 mm (1974) |
Kodak KvP - Mas Computer | 5302 | Medical slide chart of cardboard, 178x255x1 mm (1959) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Kodak Master Photoguide 1951 with 5 discs in 32 pages booklet | 2233 | Photography disc of cardboard, 96x121x7 mm |
Kojevnikov | 1552 | Military disc of metal, 104x4 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) |
Kraftstoff-Rechner Gasoline use by cars | 5404 | Log/tech disc of plastic, 90x3 mm Front Scales: km Liter/100 km = Liter, Back Scales: hours |
Kratschmer Verlag Kraftstoffverbrauchs Gasoline use by cars | 5400 | Log/tech disc of cardboard, 90x0.8 mm Front Scales: liter/100km liter = km |
Kratschmer Verlag Kraftstoffverbrauchs Gasoline use by cars (Variant) | 5401 | Log/tech disc of cardboard, 88x0.8 mm Front Scales: liter/100km liter = km Back Scales: NF Schilling Lire DM |
Kratschmer Verlag Kraftstoffverbrauchs Gasoline use by cars Made for Ford (Variant) | 5405 | Log/tech disc of cardboard, 89x0.5 mm Front Scales: km Liter/100 km = Liter |
Kratschmer Verlag Lico Spannenkalkulator | 5402 | Financial disc of cardboard, 120x1 mm Front Scales: Price = %% |
Kratschmer Verlag Spannenkalkulator | 5415 | Financial disc of cardboard, 129x1 mm (1958) Front Scales: Price = -% +% |
Kreisrechenscheibe | 2047 | Generic disc of metal, 278x14 mm Front Scales: n = n sin cos arc tan |
Krougovaia Logarifmioueskaia Model Lineikaia KL-1 | 2298 | Generic watch type of plastic, 50.5x15.5 mm Front Scales: A C Back Scales: C S T |
Kutsuwa FN 401 | 1560 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 150x27x3 mm Front Scales: A = B CI C = D K |
Kutsuwa Pocket FN 801 | 1561 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 280x33x5 mm Front Scales: A = B CI C = D K, Back Scales: = S L T = |