Jakar 1005 | 1468 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 285x40x4 mm Front Scales: S K A = B CI C = D L T |
Jakar 1006 D | 1469 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 292x43x5.4 mm Front Scales: 10inch / K DF = CF CIF CI C = D A Back Scales: = TI1 TI2 L SI = |
Jakar 1013 | 3289 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 284x37x5 mm Front Scales: 25cm / LL2 A = B C = D LL3 |
Jakar 33 Duplex Log Log | 1465 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 179x36x4 mm Front Scales: LL-0 K A = B T S C = D P L LL0 Back Scales: LL-1 LL-2 LL-3 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Jakar 511 | 3892 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 159x39x4 mm Front Scales: 5inch / LL3 LL2 A = B CI C = D K LL1 Back Scales: = T2 T1 L S = |
Jakar 523 D | 3286 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 151x37x5 mm Front Scales: 13cm / K DF = CF CI C = D A \ 5inch Back Scales: = T2 T1 L S = |
Jason 802 | 5047 | Generic slide rule |
Jeppesen CR - 2 | 1471 | Aviation disc of plastic, 110x35 mm (1955) Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) + 6 windows Back Scales: 4) = 5) = 6) |
Jeppesen CR - 3 | 3239 | Supersonic flight disc of plastic, 152 mm (1955) Front Scales: Special Scales |
Jeppesen CSG - 8 A Flight Computer | 1475 | Generic disc of metal, 97x242x6 mm |
Jeppesen CSG - 8 P Flight Computer | 1476 | Aviation disc of plastic, 125x240x5 mm Front Scales: 1), Back Scales: 2) |
Jeppesen CSG - 9 Flight Computer | 1477 | Aviation disc of metal, 242x125 mm |
Jeppesen E - 6B | 1473 | Aviation disc of metal, 242x123x10 mm |
Jeppesen Jepco Avigation Plotter PV - 2 | 5034 | Aviation instrument of plastic, 187x77x0.6 mm Front Scales: See picture, Back Scales: See picture |
Jeppesen Model R. 2 Computer | 1472 | Aviation disc of plastic, 109x4 mm (1955) Front Scales: C = D 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) 6) = 7) 8) = 9) 10) = 11) 12) = 13) 14), Back Scales: C = D = 15) |
Jeppesen Model CR - 3 Sanderson | 3871 | Aviation disc of plastic, 152x3 mm (1955) |
Jeppesen Model CR - 5 Computer | 3830 | Aviation disc of plastic/metal, 95.5x4.5 mm |
Jeppesen Sanderson Inc. MU 514200 B | 1478 | Aviation disc of plastic, 224x88x1 mm (1983, 1990) |
Jeppesen Sanderson Model CR - 5 | 3875 | Aviation disc of plastic, 95x3 mm |
Jersey Average Seismic Velocity | 2879 | Seismology slide rule of plastic, 330x83x6 mm Front Scales: Tx = To = 1) 2) = X V = Back Scales: = X V = Tx = To To = Tx |
Johnston Hydraulic Tester | 1479 | Log/tech slide chart of cardboard, 160x76x1.7 mm |
Jorgensen Universal Circle | 3678 | Generic cylinder of plastic, 99x69.5 mm (1970) Front Scales: x3 = x x = x x = x x2 = x2 |
Jubo Zwiegenäht | 1489 | Generic disc of metal, 134 mm Front Scales: C = D |
Kane Mark VI | 1490 | Aviation disc of metal, 237x97 Ø145 mm (1957) |
Kartenwinkelmesser AK - 4 | 2679 | Military disc of plastic, 215x165x0.8 mm (1975) Front Scales: divers scales |
Kartenwinkelmesser with rule. Rule not shown | 2730 | Military disc of plastic, 164x215x1 mm Front Scales: divers scales |
Kasper rioolberekening | 1491 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 435x78x14 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) = 5) 6) 7) = 8) 9) |
Kathrein Antennenwahler | 5417 | By Kahtrein, technical disc of cardboard, 161x1.5 mm (1958) Front Scales: Polarisation = Kat.No Type Gewinn VR-Verhaltn. Vert.Offn.W. Hor.Offn.W. |
Keimpema PTT Radiologische Schijf | 0097 | Technical disc of plastic, 140x1.4 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) = 4) 5) |
Kempenich Prestilog Profitmeter | 5084 | Financial disc |
Kemperman Schroefbout Afmetingen | 1495 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 223x96x1.4 mm |
Kemperman Schroefdraadtabel 11313 | 1494 | Technical slide chart |
Kent | 1496 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 151x32x4 mm Front Scales: 13cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Kent 7153 | 1497 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 328x44x4.5 mm Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T Back Scales: 25cm = = 8inch |
Kent 7153 LL | 1498 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44.4x3.8 mm Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T Back Scales: 25cm = S LL2 LL3 = 8inch |
Kent 7300 LL | 1501 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x3.7 mm Front Scales: T K A = B CI C = D S ST L Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Kent 7903 LL | 1503 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 326x44x3.7 mm Front Scales: T K A = B CI C = D S ST L Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Kenyon Bruehl Marine Protractor | 3524 | Nautical protractor of metal, 560x130x20 mm |
Kessler Energy conversion factors | 3954 | Conversion rule/cursor no slide of plastic, 194x42x1 mm |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 3F > dated 1913 | 4122 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > Mannheim Adjustable | 4050 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > Mannheim Adjustable dated 1903, 1906, 1909 and 1913 | 4049 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1900 and 1901 | 4048 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1914 | 4519 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1915 (other example) | 4743 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1915 (other example) | 4744 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1925 (other example) | 4746 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > S Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1922 | 4051 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > S Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1922 (other example) | 4745 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > S Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1925 | 4052 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4031 > S Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1925 (other example) | 4747 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4035 > Mannheim Adjustable dated 1906 | 4054 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4035 > Mannheim Adjustable dated 1915 | 4056 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4035 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1914 | 4520 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4041 > Mannheim, dated 1908 | 4678 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4041 > Mannheim, dated 1909 | 4656 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4041 > Mannheim, dated 1921 | 4518 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4041 > Mannheim, dated 1921 and 1922 | 4654 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4041 F > Mannheim, dated 1915 | 4067 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4045 > Mannheim Adjustable | 4082 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 420x36x13 mm (1915, 1921, 1922, 1925, 1927, 1930) Front Scales: 16inch / A = B C = D ] 42cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 2 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1915 and 1921 | 4102 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 2 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1914 | 4525 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 2 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1915 (other example) | 4751 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 2 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1915 (other example) | 4752 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 3 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4106 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 270x34.5x10 mm (1913) Front Scales: 10inch / A = B CI C = D ] K Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 3 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4107 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 3 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4498 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 3F > Poly Keuffel & Esser 4053- 2S Mannheim Adjustable dated 1913 (other example) Magnifier | 4757 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 3F > Poly Mannheim Adjustable dated 1913 (other example). Magnifier | 4756 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 3F > Polyphase Mannheim (other example) Adjustable Magnifier | 4755 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 - 5 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable Dated 1914 | 4527 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4053 > Polyphase Slide Rule, Mannheim Adjustable | 4094 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4054 > Favorite (Mannheim) adjustable | 4144 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 270x2910.5 mm (1906, 1909, 1913, 1915, 1921, 1922, 1925) Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser < 4054 > Polyphase (Mannheim) | 4145 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4055 > Favorite Adjustable (Mannheim) | 4147 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 271x285x105 mm (1936, 1937, 1939, 1943) Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser < 4070 - 3 > Polyphase Duplex Trig | 4562 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4071 - 3 > Polyphase Duplex Decitrig | 4190 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 310x33x6 mm (1939, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1954, 1955) Front Scales: K A = B T ST S = D DI Back Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Keuffel & Esser < 4071 > Duplex | 4189 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 308x27x6.7 mm (1915) Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: A = BI CI = D |
Keuffel & Esser < 4071 T > Duplex, with Trig Scale, L scale on back, not on edge, dated 1915 | 4547 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4071 T > Duplex, with Trig Scales, dated 1909 | 4196 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4080 - 3 > Log Log Duplex Trig | 4208 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 318x40.5x6.5 mm (1939, 1943, 1944, 1947) Front Scales: LL0 LL00 A = B T ST S = D DI K Back Scales: L LL1 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser < 4080 - 3 > Log Log Duplex Trig | 4618 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4080 - 3 > Log Log Duplex Trig. Replaced 4090-3 | 4206 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 318x40.5x6.5 mm (1937) Front Scales: LL00 LL0 A = B T ST S = D DI K Back Scales: L LL1 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser < 4080 - 3 > S Log Log Duplex Trig | 4209 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4080 - 5 > Log Log Duplex Trig | 4216 | Generic slide rule, 565x40.6x8 mm (1939, 1943, 1944, 1947) Front Scales: LL0 LL00 A = B T ST S = D DI K Back Scales: L LL1 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser < 4080 - 5 > S Log Log Duplex Trig | 4217 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4081 - 3 > Log Log Duplex Decitrig | 4237 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 318x41x6.5 mm (1939, 1943, 1944, 1947) Front Scales: LL0 LL00 A = B T ST S = D DI K Back Scales: L LL1 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser < 4081 - 5 > Log Log Duplex Decitrig, | 4253 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4081 - 5 > S Log Log Duplex Decitrig | 4254 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4082 - 3 > | 4262 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4087 > Duplex | 4288 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4088 - 3 > Polyphase Duplex | 4301 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 308x30.4x6.6 mm (1915, 1921) Front Scales: K A = S T CI = D L Back Scales: DF = CF CIF C = D |
Keuffel & Esser < 4088 - 3 > Polyphase Duplex, dated 1913 | 4300 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4091 - 3 > Log Log Decitrig. Replaced by 408 - 3 | 4320 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 308x30.4x6.6 mm (1936, 1937P-d) Front Scales: LL0 A = B K CI = T S2 S1 Back Scales: L LL1 DF = CF CIF C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser < 4092 - 3 > Log Log Duplex | 4326 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 318x41x65 mm (1922) Front Scales: LL0 A = B S T C = LL3 LL2 LL1 Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Keuffel & Esser < 4097 C > | 4762 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser < 4097 C > Ever - There, (Old 4098) | 5049 | Generic slide rule of Engine Divided White Xylonite, 153x33x3.5 mm (1936, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949) Front Scales: A = B CI C = D K Back Scales: 5inch = S L T = 13cm |
Keuffel & Esser < 4097 C > Ever - There, 1936 (Old 4098) | 4373 | Generic slide rule of Engine Divided White Xylonite, 153x33x3.5 mm (1936, 1937, 1939, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1952) Front Scales: A = B CI C = D K, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser < 4100 > | 4684 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser < 4100 > S Stadia | 4385 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 260x25x10 mm (1922) Front Scales: R = H HC V = A, Back Scales: = C B = Second line, ' "Rc" the corrected rod reading = 100 X rod reading + (f + c), ' |
Keuffel & Esser < 4101 > Stadia | 4394 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4110 > Special Rule made for Annapolis | 4408 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, [from Clark mccoy - built on the N4096 desktop rule frame, using the N4096 improved indicator], 260x25x10 mm (1942 - JOS, Mar. 1993) Front Scales: P F A = B T S CI C = D, Back Scales: |
Keuffel & Esser < 4138 > Morrison Radio Engineer's Slide Rule | 4427 | Log/tech slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < 4139 > Cooke Radio Slide Rule | 4429 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 310x33x6.5 mm (1943, 1944, 1947, 1949, 1954, 1955) Front Scales: LC A = B T ST S = D DI Back Scales: L DF = CF CIF CI C = D 2_ |
Keuffel & Esser < 4165 > of Match no. 4460 | 4730 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser < 4175 > Kurtz Psychrometric | 4465 | Technical slide rule of wood/celluloid, 300x40x10 mm (1936, 1937, 1939) Front Scales: 1 2 = 3 4 5 = 6 7 8 9 10 11 |
Keuffel & Esser < 9071 - 3 > Doric | 4192 | Generic slide rule of Engine Divided White Xylonite |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4041 > dated 1925 (other example) | 4749 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4041 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1936 thru 1943 | 4078 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4053 - 3 > | 4581 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4053 - 3 > | 4727 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4053 - 3 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4110 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4053 - 3 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4113 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 270x35x10 mm (1936, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949) Front Scales: 10inch / A = B CI C = D K ] 25cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4053 - 3 > S Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4580 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4053 - 3F > S Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4127 | Generic disc of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4053- 2 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1924 (other example) | 4754 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser < N 4096 > Desk Slide Rule, (same as other N 4096, but without stand, knob, or special case) | 4366 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser <4071 - 3> Polyphase Duplex Decitrig | 0113 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser <4071 - 3> Polyphase Duplex Decitrig | 4568 | Slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, with exposed mahogany strips on edge |
Keuffel & Esser <4071 T> Duplex with Trig scales, L scale on back, not on edge, dated 1913 | 4499 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser <4090 - 3> S Log Log Trig. Replaced by 4080 - 3S | 4317 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 10002 Doric with trigonometrical scales divided to represent degrees and minutes | 4002 | Slide rule of plastic |
Keuffel & Esser 1742 - 4 Crane's Sewer Slide Rule | 4765 | Log/tech slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 1743 Charpentier Calculator, dated 1895 | 4013 | Disc of metal |
Keuffel & Esser 1744 1/2 Duplex, dated 1899 | 4022 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 1744 Duplex with arithmetical slide, dated 1895, Cox's Patent | 4020 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated wood |
Keuffel & Esser 1749 - 4 Crane's Sewer Slide Rule | 4410 | Slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 1749 Stadia | 4379 | Slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4012 Thacher cylinder | 4005 | Generic cylinder |
Keuffel & Esser 4012 Thacher cylinder (other example, dated 1910) | 4740 | Generic cylinder |
Keuffel & Esser 4017 Sperry, watch style Pat Oct. 25 1904 | 4040 | Generic watch type of metal/glass |
Keuffel & Esser 4017 Sperry's Calculator Pat. Dec. 26. 1911 | 4041 | Generic watch type of metal/glass |
Keuffel & Esser 4020 Charpentier Calculator, dated 1906 | 4014 | Disc of metal |
Keuffel & Esser 4040 Mannheim dated 1901 | 4060 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 (No number on rule) dated pre 1909 | 4731 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 dated 1906 | 5808 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 dated 1906 (other example) | 4763 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 dated 1906 (other example) | 4772 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 dated 1922 | 5807 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 F Mannheim, dated 1906 | 4062 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 Mannheim, dated 1903 | 4655 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 Mannheim, dated 1906 | 4748 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 Mannheim, dated 1906 (other example) | 4061 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 270x31x10 mm (1906) Front Scales: 10inch / A = B C = D ] 27cm #28-52cm# Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 Mannheim, dated 1909 | 4680 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 Mannheim, dated 1915 | 4066 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4041 Mannheim, dated 1922 | 4677 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4053 - 3 Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4582 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, with molded plastic back, 278x35x8 mm (1956) Front Scales: 10inch / A = B CI C = D K \ 25cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser 4053 - 3S Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable | 4583 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, with molded plastic back |
Keuffel & Esser 4053 - 3S Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, | 4118 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, with molded plastic back |
Keuffel & Esser 4058 | 4729 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4058 Student's Slide Rule, printed on light-colored wood, with steel spring | 4153 | Generic slide ruleslide rule of Light colored wood, 270x29x9 mm (1915, 1921, 1922) Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser 4058 W Beginners' Slide Rule | 4161 | Student slide rule of Light colored wood, 270x28.5x9 mm (1942,1943) Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser 4060 Cox's Patent | 5804 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4060 Cox's Patent | 5806 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4065 T Duplex Trig | 4174 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4070 | 4182 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4070 Duplex | 4183 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4070 Duplex | 4183 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4076 Duplex, Interchangeable Slides | 4200 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4081 - 3 Log Log Duplex Decitrig | 4243 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 318x41x6.5 mm (1953, 1954, 1955) Front Scales: LL01 L K A = B T ST S = D DI LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser 4081 - 3S Log Log Duplex Decitrig | 4244 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4081 - 3S Log Log Duplex Decitrig | 4606 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, with exposed mahogany edges |
Keuffel & Esser 4083 - 3 Log Log Duplex Vector | 4502 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4083 - 3 Log Log Duplex Vector (Also no. 68 - 1434) | 4570 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, with exposed mahogany edges |
Keuffel & Esser 4087 Duplex | 4289 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4090 Original prototype for 4090 Universal rule | 4622 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4090 Original prototype for 4090 Universal rule, dated 1899 | 4621 | Generic slide rule of engine divided hard wood |
Keuffel & Esser 4090 Universal, 2 attached slides, dated 1901, 1903 | 4313 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4095 - 3 Merchants' Adjustable Duplex | 4355 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4095 Triangular Metal | 4346 | Generic slide rule of metal |
Keuffel & Esser 4098 A Pocket Slide Rule | 4378 | Generic slide rule of Engine Divided White Xylonite, 153x33x3.5 mm (1936, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1949) Front Scales: A = B C = D Back Scales: 5inch = S L T = 13cm |
Keuffel & Esser 4100 Stadia | 4384 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 4108 Military Slide Rule | 4095 | Military slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 285x40.9x10.3 mm (1960) Front Scales: Deg. Mils = Mils Apex Angle CI Base C = Range D A, Back Scales: = Tan Sin - Tan Sin C = |
Keuffel & Esser 4128 Nordell Sewer Slide Rule, Duplex Type | 4415 | Log/tech slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4141 Hudson's Horsepower Computing Scale | 4434 | Technical slide rule of boxwood |
Keuffel & Esser 4143 Kissam Stadia (Also no. 68 1486) | 4440 | Log/tech slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4150 - 1 Pocket Slide Rule | 4349 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS |
Keuffel & Esser 4165 Urea Index Rule | 4460 | Medical slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser 4168 Doric Pocket Slide Rule | 4478 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS, 170x28.5x3.5 mm (1954, 1955) Front Scales: K A = B ST S = D T Back Scales: DF = CF CI C = D L |
Keuffel & Esser 4181 - 1 Pocket Slide Rule (B1. and A2.) | 4229 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS, 177x38x4 mm (1954, 1955) Front Scales: LL01 L K A = B T ST S = D DI LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser 4181 - 3 Log Log Duplex Decitrig | 4245 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS, 317x41x4.5 mm (1954, 1955) Front Scales: LL01 L K A = B T SRT S = D DI LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser 4yyy | 5094 | Generic slide rule, 1023x38 mm Front Scales: 50cm / A = B C = D #51-101cm# Back Scales: = S T scale 0-1000 = |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1100 Deci-Lon 10 Instruction model | 4468 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS, 323x49x4.5 mm (1962, 1967) Front Scales: Ln-3 Ln-2 Ln-1 Ln-0 A = B T SRT S C = D DI K Back Scales: Sq1 Sq2 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D Ln0 Ln1 Ln2 Ln3 |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1130 Deci-Lon 5 | 4469 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS, 182x49.5x3.8 mm (1962, 1964, 1967, 1972) Front Scales: Ln-3 Ln-2 Ln-1 Ln-0 A = B T SRT S C = D DI K Back Scales: Sq1 Sq2 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D Ln0 Ln1 Ln2 Ln3 |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1210 Decitrig, with sewed leather, chamois lined case, with belt carrier | 4248 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 318x415x7 mm (1962, 1967, 1972) Front Scales: LL01 L K A = B T SRT S = D DI LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1251 Jet-Log (A. and B.) | 4251 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1256 Jet-Log (A. and B.) | 4252 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1318 Log Log Duplex Trig | 4214 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 319x415x7 mm (1962, 1967) Front Scales: LL01 L K A = B T SRT S = D DI LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1434 Log Log Duplex Vector | 4273 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 313x41x7 mm (1962, 1967) Front Scales: Sh1 Sh2 Th A = B T SRT S = D DI LL01 LL1, Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1565 GP-12 | 4475 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS, 317x45.5x4.5 mm (pat. 1964, 1966, 1967, 1972) Front Scales: Sq1 Sq2 DF = CF T SRT S CI C = D A K Back Scales: D = 25cm 10inch = L |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1617 Polyphase | 4119 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 277x36x8 mm (1962, 1967) Front Scales: 10inch / A = B CI C = D K \ 25cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1775 Merchants' | 4345 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser 68 - 1892 K-12 Prep | 4445 | Generic slide rule of Vinylite laminations, Heat stamped, 311.5x41.5x3.2 mm (1966, 1972) Front Scales: K A = B S CI T C = D L |
Keuffel & Esser 68 1400 Analon (B..) | 4474 | Generic slide rule of Ivorite Precison Molded ABS, 317x45.5x4.5 mm (1967) Front Scales: V2 V1/2 A = B U1/2 U-1 U C = D V V-1 |
Keuffel & Esser American 1 | 4630 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic |
Keuffel & Esser American Mannheim | 4584 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated blond hardwood, with printed inch and cm rules. |
Keuffel & Esser Brick-O-Meter | 5660 | Log/tech slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser Construction | 3960 | Log/tech slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser Deci - Lon Instruction Rule | 3842 | Slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser Military (Picture page 2, case) | 4750 | Slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser Mystery rule | 5812 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4041 > dated 1909 (needs checking) | 5809 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4041 > Mannheim Adjustable | 4070 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 270x34.5x4.5 mm (1925, 1927, 1930) Front Scales: 10inch / A = B C = D ] 25cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4041 > Mannheim, dated 1924 | 4055 | Slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4053 - 2 > S Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1925 | 4104 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4053 - 3F > Mannheim Adjustable dated 1923 | 4704 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4053 - 3F > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1925, 1927, 1928, 1930 | 4126 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4053 - 5 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable Dated 1923 | 4686 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4053 - 5 > Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable Dated 1923 | 4696 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4053- 2 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1924 | 4103 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4053- 2 > Mannheim Adjustable, dated 1924 (other example) | 4753 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4100 > Stadia | 4386 | Slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4102 > Surveyor's Duplex | 4403 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4123 > Roylance | 3640 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N < 4133 > S Roylance Electrical, CI scale added | 4517 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N 4012 Thacher's Calculating Instrument | 4006 | Generic cylinder of wood/plastic |
Keuffel & Esser N 4053 - 3 | 4726 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser N 4053 - 5 Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, with molded plastic back | 4138 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N 4081 - 3 Log Log Decitrig Duplex | 4239 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, 317x41x6 mm (1949) Front Scales: LL01 K A = B T ST S = D L LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser N 4092 - 3 Log Log Duplex | 4328 | Slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser N 9081 - 3 Doric Plastic Slide Rule, decitrig scales, all black markings. replaced by N4181-3, 1952 | 4241 | Generic slide rule of Engine Divided White Xylonite, 317.5x41x4.6 mm (1949,1952) Front Scales: LL01 K A = B T ST S = D L LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
Keuffel & Esser National Union Radio Tubes | 4628 | Electrical slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser NoNumber | 4578 | Generic slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser Percent of accuracy of estimate | 4638 | Log/tech slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser Polyphase Mannheim Adjustable, no model number shown, marked only "K+E" | 4548 | Generic slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany, slide is 1/4 inch overlength on the right |
Keuffel & Esser Reymond Leather Calculator | 4637 | Log/tech slide rule |
Keuffel & Esser Syrup Rule | 4635 | Technical slide rule of plastic |
Keuffel & Esser U.S. Militairy Short Base Triangulation Model | 4096 | Military slide rule of Engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser Unknown 4041 Mannheim, dated 1902 | 4659 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser Unknown 4041 Mannheim, dated 1902 | 4660 | Generic slide rule of engine divided celluloid laminated mahogany |
Keuffel & Esser Unknown number Made by Tavernier Gravet, dated 1883 | 4728 | Generic slide rule of polished boxwood |
Kieback EQH Kennlinienschieber | 5269 | Log/tech slide chart of cardboard, 100x205x2.5 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Kingson Pocket Calculator with addiator | 1544 | Generic rule/addiator of aluminium, 158x37.5x7 mm Front Scales: A = 5inch B C1 C 14cm = D Back Scales: Addiator 6 rows |
Klawun 300 Mentor | 1546 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 297x40x3.2 mm Front Scales: L DF = CF CI C = D A P sin tan |
Klix Kessler + Luch Conversion | 5394 | Conversion slide rule of plastic, 194x43x.8 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Klix Luchtrekenschuif | 5397 | Log/tech slide chart of plastic, 225x69x1.8 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Klix Rekenliniaal voor Luchtkanalen | 5293 | Technical slide chart of plastic, 225x66x2 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Klix Rekenliniaal voor Luchtkanalen | 5294 | Technical slide chart of plastic, 225x66x2 mm (1970) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Klix Rohrnetzrechner für Luftkanale | 3429 | Log/tech slide chart of plastic, 229x75x3 mm |
Klix Rohrnetzrechner für Luftkanäle | 5277 | Log/tech slide chart of plastic/cardboard, 225x67x2 mm (1970) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Klix Universeelschuif voor metalen luchtkanalen | 5399 | Technical slide chart of plastic, 225x67x1.8 mm (1970) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Klix Wärmebedarfs Programmrechner | 5315 | Log/tech slide chart of cardboard/plastic, 295x100x1.6 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Klöckner Moeller | 3681 | Technical slide chart of plastic |
Knoll ECG liniaal Frequency QT Interval Electrocardiogram | 5387 | Medical rule no cursor no slide of plastic, 203x50x1 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Koch Wasserversorgung und Entwässerung | 1551 | Log/tech slide rule of wood/plastic, 279x38x11 mm Front Scales: 26cm / J V D = QJ Qv = 1) G L ] 10inch |
Kodak Eastman Film Kodaguide Color Rendering and Filter Factors | 3518 | Photography Table of cardboard, 76x117x1 mm (1940) Front Scales: Tables Back Scales: Tables |
Kodak kV - mAs Computer | 3478 | Photography disc of cardboard, 178x253x1 mm (1974) |
Kodak KvP - Mas Computer | 5302 | Medical slide chart of cardboard, 178x255x1 mm (1959) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Kodak Master Photoguide 1951 with 5 discs in 32 pages booklet | 2233 | Photography disc of cardboard, 96x121x7 mm |
Kojevnikov | 1552 | Military disc of metal, 104x4 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) |
Kraftstoff-Rechner Gasoline use by cars | 5404 | Log/tech disc of plastic, 90x3 mm Front Scales: km Liter/100 km = Liter, Back Scales: hours |
Kratschmer Verlag Kraftstoffverbrauchs Gasoline use by cars | 5400 | Log/tech disc of cardboard, 90x0.8 mm Front Scales: liter/100km liter = km |
Kratschmer Verlag Kraftstoffverbrauchs Gasoline use by cars (Variant) | 5401 | Log/tech disc of cardboard, 88x0.8 mm Front Scales: liter/100km liter = km Back Scales: NF Schilling Lire DM |
Kratschmer Verlag Kraftstoffverbrauchs Gasoline use by cars Made for Ford (Variant) | 5405 | Log/tech disc of cardboard, 89x0.5 mm Front Scales: km Liter/100 km = Liter |
Kratschmer Verlag Lico Spannenkalkulator | 5402 | Financial disc of cardboard, 120x1 mm Front Scales: Price = %% |
Kratschmer Verlag Spannenkalkulator | 5415 | Financial disc of cardboard, 129x1 mm (1958) Front Scales: Price = -% +% |
Kreisrechenscheibe | 2047 | Generic disc of metal, 278x14 mm Front Scales: n = n sin cos arc tan |
Krougovaia Logarifmioueskaia Model Lineikaia KL-1 | 2298 | Generic watch type of plastic, 50.5x15.5 mm Front Scales: A C Back Scales: C S T |
Kutsuwa FN 401 | 1560 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 150x27x3 mm Front Scales: A = B CI C = D K |
Kutsuwa Pocket FN 801 | 1561 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 280x33x5 mm Front Scales: A = B CI C = D K, Back Scales: = S L T = |