Calculex Addiator | 5259 | Calculate slide chart of plastic, 100x171x3 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Calculigraphe H.C. Système Boucher | 0582 | Generic watch type of metal/glass, 57x17 mm Front Scales: L n3, Back Scales: S n n2 |
Calendar for 12 years 1978-1989 | 0583 | Other disc of brass, 48x0.8 mm (1978) Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) |
Cameron Flange | 0585 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 254x127 mm (1988) |
Campina BTW 16% Tabel | 0586 | Financial table of plastic, 110x155x1 mm |
Canton Lautsprecher Wahlscheibe | 5420 | Electrical disc of cardboard, 180x0.5 mm Front Scales: Watt Sinus = GL series m2 |
Cardiac Pacemakers Physiologic Parameters Calculator | 5305 | Medical slide chart of cardboard, 213x97x3.5 mm (1984) Front Scales: See Picture Back Scales: See Picture |
Carroll AN 5834-1 Stock no. 6217 - FAA 46 | 0591 | Aviation disc of metal, 125x284x10 mm Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) 4) + 3 windows Back Scales: 5) = 6) |
Carroll MB - 2A | 0590 | Aviation disc of plastic, 108x35 mm Front Scales: 1) = 2) = 3) = 4) 5) 6) 7) + 4 windows Back Scales: 5 windows |
Casella Anderson's Improved Slide Rule | 2772 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 364x49x10.5 mm Front Scales: 300 mm [ 0 1 2 3 = 0 1 2 3 = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ] 12inch |
Cassani Marcantoni Milano 25 R | 0592 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 297x37.6x7.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L ] 10inch Back Scales: = S S&T T = |
Celanese (Amcel) Circular Slide Rule for Rodmaking Calculations | 3735 | Log/tech disc of plastic, 184 mm Front Scales: C = D + others in windows Back Scales: Graphs |
Cellograf Leitz | 3474 | Photography disc of plastic, 75x100 mm |
Cellograf Peritrate 80 | 5377 | Medical slide rule of plastic, 140x82x0.8 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Cellograf Sace Kabelschutz | 5363 | Technical slide chart of plastic, 295x151x1.8 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Cellograf Sace Regle a Calcule | 5330 | Electrical slide chart of plastic, 295x86x1.6 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Chadburn Farmar's Spirit | 1190 | Log/tech slide rule of all wood, 581x57x6 mm Front Scales: diverse, Back Scales: diverse |
Chemstrand | 3248 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 329x48x4 mm Front Scales: L K A = B T ST S = D DI P Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Chrysler Psychrometric | 0594 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 191x29x3 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) = 5) 6) |
CIBA E.C.G. Calculator. | 0595 | Medical slide chart of plastic, 164x40x1.2 mm Front Scales: 10cm, Back Scales: = 5cm 1) 2) = |
Ciba Obstetric Calculator The Medical Slyd-Rul | 5376 | Conversion slide chart of plastic, 140x35x1.6 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Clarkson Snijsnelheden en aanzetten voor Autolock type "S" | 0600 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 76x154x1.2 mm |
Clarkson Voedings- en Snelheidstabel voor freesbanken | 5381 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 76x153x1 mm Front Scales: See Picture Back Scales: See Picture |
Classic | 0601 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 293x32.7x10 mm Front Scales: 10inch / L A = B S T C = D L ] 26cm |
Classic Series 1 | 0603 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 284x29.5x10 mm Front Scales: 10inch / A = B C = D ] 26cm |
Classic Series 11 | 0606 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 291 x32x10 mm Front Scales: 10inch / LL2 A = B C = D LL3 ] 26cm |
Clemons Simplified Flight Calculator | 0609 | Aviation disc of plastic, 246x89x15 mm (1942) Front Scales: 1) - 7) |
Colard Inc. Conversion Calculator | 5409 | Conversion disc of cardboard, 127x1 mm Front Scales: See Picture |
Collard Motor/Price Selector B - 111 | 2849 | By Miller Dial, technical slide chart of cardboard, 305x128x2 mm |
Colour code Resistors and Capacitors | 1548 | Technical slide chart of plastic, 170x46x3 mm |
Combivent Lung Function Computer | 5271 | Medical slide chart of plastic, 166x86x0.9 mm (1981) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Comfort Schornsteinverlust | 5408 | Log/tech disc of cardboard, 118x1 mm (1961) Front Scales: %% Temp °C = % CO2 |
Commonwealth Energy Cost Selector | 5272 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 101x227x0.8 mm (1986) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Compass 505 | 5091 | Generic slide rule of plastic/metal |
Computer and Slide Charts Steam Loss Calculator | 5264 | Log/tech slide chart of plastic, 161x80x0.7 mm Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Controller | 0631 | Generic disc of metal, 75x3.5 mm Front Scales: C = D n2 n3, Back Scales: 20cm |
Controller 110 R | 0635 | Generic disc of metal, 110x3.5 mm (1961) Front Scales: C = D CI n2, Back Scales: 30cm |
Controller 200 R | 0636 | Generic disc of metal, 220x3.5 mm (1961) Front Scales: C = D CI n2, Back Scales: 60cm |
Controller 75 R | 0632 | Generic disc of metal, 75x3.5 mm (1961) Front Scales: C = D CI n2, Back Scales: 20cm |
Controller 75 R | 5445 | Generic disc of metal, 74x2 mm Front Scales: C = D CI n2 |
Cook Maker London gauging | 0638 | Alcohol slide rule of all wood, 304x29x19.5 mm (After 1824) Front Scales: Many scales see picture Back Scales: Many scales see picture |
Cosmicar / Pentax CCTV Lens Selector | 3905 | By Datalyzer slide charts, photography disc of plastic/paper, 89.5x1.5 mm (1955) |
Crowe Name plate Crowe Computer True Airspeed A.C. Type G - 1 | 0668 | Aviation disc of plastic, 204x3 mm (1945) Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) |
Cruver Computer Altitude Correction AN 5837- 1 | 0670 | Aviation disc of plastic, 203x3 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) |
Cruver Computer True Airspeed A.C. Type G - 1 | 3870 | Aviation disc of plastic, 204x3 mm (1945) Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) |
Cruver Time Distance Type D- 4 | 0669 | Aviation disc of plastic, 108x2 mm Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) + window 1 Back Scales: 4) 5) = 6) 7) + window 2 |
CThru PS 69 Proportional Scale | 0671 | By C Thru, log/tech disc of plastic, 127x0.8 mm Front Scales: A = B = 1) 2) |
CThru S 889 | 0675 | By C Thru, generic slide rule of plastic, 315x42x4 mm Front Scales: LL01 K A = B T ST S = D L LL1 Back Scales: LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF CI C = D LL3 LL2 |
CThru S 96 Circular 6" | 0673 | By C Thru, generic disc of plastic, 152x1.3 mm Front Scales: K D = C B = A = CI = L Back Scales: S L T |
CTIP 399 Valve chart | 2851 | Technical slide chart of cardboard/plastic, 275x158x1 mm (1960) |
CTIP 511 Valve chart | 2852 | Technical slide chart of cardboard/plastic, 275x150x1 mm (1968) |
CTIP 512 Pipe chart | 2853 | Technical slide chart of cardboard/plastic, 275x166x1 mm (1960) |
CTIP Conversion chart | 2850 | Conversion slide chart of cardboard/plastic, 285x159x1 mm (1960) |
CTM Kreisrechenscheibe | 0676 | Military disc of metal, 220x5 mm (1969-1980) Front Scales: tg tg k = Sin Sin k |
Cultuurtechniek | 3011 | Technical rule of all wood, 750x50x15 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Back Scales: 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) |
Curtec Comptoir des Lamines a Froid & Toles | 5367 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 261x76x1 mm (1955) Front Scales: See Picture, Back Scales: See Picture |
Curtec Masoneilan Camflex Ventil | 5448 | Technical slide chart of cardboard, 320x120x1 mm Front Scales: see picture, Back Scales: see picture |
CWI Breda, Rekenplank voor indirect vuur met tanks | 0679 | Military disc of plastic, 227x450x5 mm |
CWI Correctieschijf M 10 CWI - R 522 .78.19.4 | 0678 | Military disc of plastic, 217x217x4 mm Front Scales: 8cm 7inch = 1) 2) 3) = 4) 5) |