

Sub-List :  “ARTILLERY”

Artillery 155-AM-1 HE M107 0461 Military slide rule of plastic, 486x107x9 mm
Artillery 155-AM-2 HE M107 0462 Military slide rule of plastic, 486x107x9 mm
Artillery Ballistischer Korrektur - Rechner (BKR) der Artillerie 2899 Military instrument of metal, 380x330x28 mm (1963-1964)
Front Scales: G ­T J ­D F H H ­H 1) ­a BS SD 2) 3) 4)
Artillery Gitterplatte 2897 Military disc of plastic/metal, 148x207x5 mm (1958)
Front Scales: 1) 2)
Artillery Gun 155mm 0450 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 295x51x6.5 mm
Front Scales: 1), Back Scales: 2)
Artillery GUN 175 mm FT 175 AO (REV II) Charge 1 2 3 + HA 0473 Military slide rule of plastic, 382x65x5 mm
Artillery GUN 175mm 175AO(REV II)HEM437 Charge 3 + HA 0474 Military slide rule of plastic, 460x88x5.5 mm
Artillery HOW 155 mm hw ST 155 - Q - 3 1963 Liniaal 2/4 0452 Military rule/cursor no slide of plastic, 385x65x3.8 mm (1963)
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Back Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Artillery HOW 105 AMX ST 105-F6 1963 0439 Military slide rule of plastic, 387x65x4 mm (1963)
Front Scales: 1) 2), Back Scales: 3)
Artillery HOW 105 AMX ST 105-F6 1963 0443 Military slide rule of plastic, 387x65x4 mm (1963)
Front Scales: 1) 2), Back Scales: 3) 4)
Artillery HOW 105 mm SHELL HE M1 Rule 2, 0442 Military slide rule of all wood, 296x51x7 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2), Back Scales: 3) 4)
Artillery HOW 105mm M2 & M2A1 charges 1, 3 and High Angle 0440 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 294x52x7 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4)
Back Scales: 5) 6) 7) 8)
Artillery HOW 105mm M2 & M2A1 charges 4,5,6 en 7. 0444 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 294x52x7 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4), Back Scales: 5) 6) 7) 8)
Artillery HOW 105mm M2 & M2A1 Graphical Firing Table 0436 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 470x71x13 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) = = D K
Artillery HOW 155 mm FT 155 AH 1 Proj HE M107 Charge 3/7 0455 Military slide rule of all wood, 370x53x13 mm
Front Scales: = 1) 2) 3) 4) C = D
Back Scales: = 5) 6) C =
Artillery HOW 155 mm SHELL HE M107 Rule 1, 0447 Military slide rule of all wood, 296x52x7 mm
Artillery HOW 155 mm hw ST 155 - Q - 3 1963 Liniaal 1/4 0448 Military rule/cursor no slide of plastic, 385x65x3.8 mm (1963)
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
Back Scales: 2) 3) 4) 7) 1) 6) 4) 7) 1) 6)
Artillery HOW 155 mm hw ST 155 - Q - 3 1963 0445 Military slide rule of plastic, 373x54.8x6.9 mm (1963)
Front Scales: = 1 3 6 7 C = D, Back Scales: = 4 5 C =
Artillery HOW 155 mm hw ST 155 - Q - 3 1963 2696 Military slide rule of plastic, 373x54.8x6.9 mm (1963)
Front Scales: = 1 3 6 7 C = D, Back Scales: = 4 5 C =
Artillery HOW 155mm AH.3HE M107 Charge 1/7 0449 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 460x89x4.5 mm
Front Scales: 1), Back Scales: 2)
Artillery HOW 155mm AK.2.HE M483 A1 Charge 6 en 7 0459 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 459x89x5.5 mm
Front Scales: 1)
Back Scales: 2)
Artillery HOW 155mm FT155 AM1 Proj HE M107 Charge 2/8 0453 Military slide rule of all wood, 368x53x13 mm
Front Scales: = 1) 2) 3) C = D
Back Scales: = 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) C =
Artillery HOW 75 MM. M1 & M1A1. Rule 1 no. 7674033 0433 Military slide rule of all wood, 295x51x6.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) c F 4) FS 5) c F 6) FS
Back Scales: 7) 8) 9) c F 10) FS 11) c F 12) FS TF
Artillery HOW 75 MM. M1 & M1A1. Rule 2 no. 7674035 0434 Military slide rule of all wood, 295x51x6.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) c F 4) FS 5) c F 6) FS
Back Scales: 7) 8) 9) c F 10) FS 11) c F 12) FS TF
Artillery HOW 75 MM. M1 & M1A1. Rule 3 no. 7674037 0435 Military slide rule of all wood, 295x51x6.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) TF 6) 7) 8) TS
Back Scales: 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) TF 14) 15) 16) TF
Artillery HOW 8 Inch 805 HESM 424 A1 Charge 1 and 2 0423 Military slide rule of all wood, 456x88x5.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
Back Scales: 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16)
Artillery HOW 8 Inch 805 HESM 424 A1 Charge 3 0427 Military slide rule of all wood, 456x88x5.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)
Artillery HOW 8 Inch 8J4 HE M 106 Charge 1 and 3 0424 Military slide rule of plastic, 460x88x5.5 mm
Artillery HOW 8 Inch 8R1 HE SM424 A1 Charge 3 and 8 0428 Military slide rule of plastic, 457x88x5 mm
Artillery HOW 8 Inch charge 1 6 7 3 4 5 0425 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 370x52x12.5 mm
Front Scales: = 1) C = D, Back Scales: = 2) C =
Artillery HOW 8 Inch FT 8-R-1 Proj M424A1 charge 1 2 8 3 0426 Military slide rule of all wood, 370x53x13 mm
Front Scales: = 1) 2) 3) C = D
Back Scales: = 4) 5) C =
Artillery HOW 8 Inch High Angle 8QIHEMIO6 2875 Military rule/cursor of wood/paper, 456x87x6 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 5x4 scales, Back Scales: 3) 4) 5x4 scales
Artillery HOW H4 FT 105 M2A1 8 M4 1 July '51 charge 1 6 3 7 4 5 0441 Military slide rule of all wood, 372x53x13.5 mm
Front Scales: = 1) 2) 3) 4) C = D
Back Scales: = 5) 6) =
Artillery HOW HW 105 AMX ST 105 F - 1 1966 0437 Military slide rule of plastic, 373x54.8x7.4 mm (1966)
Front Scales: = 6 9 10 C = D, Back Scales: = 7 8 C =
Artillery HOW HW 105 AMX ST 105 F - 6 1963 0438 Military slide rule of plastic, 373x54.8x6.9 mm (1966)
Front Scales: = 1 3 6 7 C = D, Back Scales: = 4 5 C =
Artillery HOW Lichtgranaat 155 mm hw ST 155 - Q - 3 1963 Liniaal 3/4 0454 Military rule/cursor no slide of plastic, 385x65x3.8 mm (1963)
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5), Back Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Artillery HOW Lichtgranaat 155 mm hw ST 155 - Q - 3 1963 Liniaal 4/4 0456 Military rule/cursor no slide of plastic, 385x65x3.8 mm (1963)
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Back Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Artillery HOW Projectile Illuminating 155mm Charge 2GB en 3GB 0451 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 560x88x5.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Back Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Artillery HOW Projectile Illuminating 155mm Charge 7 en 5GB 0458 Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 560x88x5.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Back Scales: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Artillery Kartenwinkelmesser 6675-276-2992 2895 Military instrument of celluloid, 140x200x0.5 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) 1:100000 1:50000 1:25000
Artillery rule 25 pr lin 1/2 0431 Military slide rule of plastic, 386x65x4.5 mm (1965)
Front Scales: 1) - 10), Back Scales: 11) - 21)
Artillery rule 25 pr lin 2/2 0432 Military slide rule of plastic, 386x65x4.5 mm (1965)
Front Scales: 1) - 10), Back Scales: 11) - 23)
Artillery Schiessbehelf für unregelmässige Batterie-Stellungen 2896 Military instrument of plastic, 210x296x1 mm
Front Scales: Plate 1 front +­H 25km -­H 1) 2), Back Scales: Plate 2 front 2 3,4,8,6,7,9 and back 11, 12, 14, 16, 18 20