Faber cme world war II military rule | 2874 | Military slide rule of wood/plastic, 249x59x15 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) / 3) = 4) 5) = 6) 7) ] 24cm Back Scales: = 8) 9) = |
Faber Made in Bavaria | 2809 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 280x34x9 mm Front Scales: / A = B C = D \ |
Faber Made in Bavaria | 2810 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 260x33x9 mm Front Scales: 10inch / A = B C = D ] 26cm #27-51cm# Back Scales: 10 INCHES = S. L. T. = 25 METER |
Faber Verlag Chemie | 3587 | Chemistry slide rule of plastic, 187x41x3.3 mm Front Scales: K T1 T2 DF = CF L Ci C = D LL3 LL03 LL02, Back Scales: C N F H = B 1) CI C = D B P Cl |
Faber Castell | 0838 | Generic slide rule of all wood, 280x33x9 mm (Before 1900) Front Scales: 25cm / A = B C = D ] 28cm #30-55cm# Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell | 0839 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 260x33x9 mm (Before 1900) Front Scales: 10inch / A = B C = D ] 26cm #27-51cm# Back Scales: = S. L. T. = |
Faber Castell | 0840 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 260x33.3x9.7 mm Front Scales: 25cm / A = B C = D ] 26cm #26-51cm# Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell | 0841 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 122x22x8 mm Front Scales: 10cm / A = B C = D ] 12cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell | 5787 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic |
Faber Castell 1/22 Disponent | 0854 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / units KZ = T p%(Val.) T(E) = Z(V) L ] s £ d £, Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 % C = |
Faber Castell 1/28 Bivius | 0865 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm lg / K KZ = T p%(Val.) T(E) = Z(V) A ] s £ d £, Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 % C = |
Faber Castell 1/38 | 5756 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 298x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / L A = B CI C = D P ] sin tg #31-59cm#, Back Scales: = 1-cos2 1) sin.cos cos2 2) = |
Faber Castell 1/38 400g | 0866 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 298x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / L A = B CI C = D P ] sin tg #31-59cm#, Back Scales: = 1-cos2 1) sin.cos cos2 2) = |
Faber Castell 1/54 Darmstadt | 0879 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm lg / K A = B CI C = D P ] sin tg #34-56cm#, Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 1/60 | 0884 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x38.5x10 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A = B CI C = D ] 1:25 Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 1/60/360 | 1169 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x38.6x11 mm Front Scales: 10inch / A = B C = D ] 30cm #33-60cm# Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 1/61/361 | 1172 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 10inch / A = B CI C = D ] 30cm |
Faber Castell 1/78/378 | 1175 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x10.9 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B C = D LL3 ] 1:25 #Dynamo Motor Volt#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 1/87 Rietz | 0895 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L ] 1:25 Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell 1/87/387 Rietz | 1176 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39.5x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L ] 1:25 #34-60cm#, Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 1/92 | 1689 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x39x10 mm Front Scales: 10inch / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 ] K Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 1/92/392 | 1177 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 299x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 ] K Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 1/94/394 | 1178 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B C = D L ] 1:25 Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 1/98 Elektro | 0910 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 299x39x10.8 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 ] K #Dynamo-Motor n=% Volt#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 1/98/398 Elektro | 1179 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x10.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 / K #Dynamo Motor Volt#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 1/98m Elektro | 0913 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 ] K #Dynamo-Motor n=% Volt#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 10 Klawun | 0851 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x30x10 mm Front Scales: K A = B R C = D L Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 11/87 | 3123 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x38x9 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L ] 1:25 #33-56cm#, Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 11/87 K | 1003 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x38.5x9.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 111/22 Disponent | 1128 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 298x49.2x7 mm (1957) Front Scales: 27cm / units % DF = CF Val E = V L sh d £ £, Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 % C = |
Faber Castell 111/38 Tachymeter 400g | 1131 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x49x7 mm Front Scales: 27cm / L A = B CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) = |
Faber Castell 111/48 Machinenzeit | 1133 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 299x49x7.8 mm Front Scales: 27cm / 1) = 2) 3) = D 4) 5) Back Scales: = A 6) CI C 7) = |
Faber Castell 111/66 Demegraph | 1138 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 299x49x7 mm Front Scales: 27cm / Ø DF = CF CI C = D DIN 3scales Back Scales: 0-44 = LL1 LL2 % C = O-44 |
Faber Castell 111/87 A Rietz Addiator | 1143 | Generic rule/addiator of plastic, 300x42x8 mm Front Scales: 10inch / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell 111/87 Rietz | 1141 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 299x39x7 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 111/98 Elektro | 1147 | Electrical slide rule of plastic, 300x49x7 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 Dynamo-Motor h=% Volt ] K, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 157/80 Mentor-Fix | 1155 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 299x39.7x5.7 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A DF = CF CIF CI C = D K |
Faber Castell 157/87 Rietz | 1157 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 299x39.8x5.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell 157/89 Log Log | 1159 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x49x5.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B L CI C = D S ST T1 T2 Back Scales: = LL2 S' LL3 = |
Faber Castell 163/81 Novo Mentor | 1160 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 172x38x3.5 mm Front Scales: A DF = CF CIF CI C = D K Back Scales: L T1 T2 = S CI C = D S ST |
Faber Castell 167/87 Rietz | 1163 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 158x32x4.4 mm Front Scales: 14cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell 176066 Typometer | 1174 | Other table of plastic, 310x105x1 mm (1984) |
Faber Castell 2/31 Stahlbeton | 0915 | Concrete slide rule of plastic, 331x48x5 mm Front Scales: K T1 T2 A = B BI CI C = D ST S L Back Scales: fe = xfeh x/3 M = b X |
Faber Castell 2/82 | 0917 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x48x5 mm Front Scales: 25cm T1 T2 A = B BI CI C = D P S 10INCH, Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 K = K' L ST CF = DF LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 2/82 N Duplex | 0923 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 370x57x5 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 L A = B BI CI S' C = D S ST P Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 K DF = CF K' CIF CI C = D LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 2/83 N Novo Duplex | 0929 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 370x57x5 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 K A DF = CF B CIF CI C = D DI S ST P, Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 LL00 W2 = W2' CI L C W1' = W1 D LL0 LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 2/83 Novo Duplex | 0925 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 332x47.4x5 mm Front Scales: K T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D S ST P Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 W2 = W2' L C W1' = W1 LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 20/68 Parifix | 1006 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 251x69 mm Front Scales: 1) - 10), Back Scales: 11) - 19) |
Faber Castell 3/11 Statics | 0933 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 385x40.5x11 mm Front Scales: 30cm / A = B CI 1)2) 3)4) C = D ] K Back Scales: = sin lg sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 3/11 Statics | 3884 | Technical slide rule of wood/plastic, 384x42x12 mm Front Scales: 14inch / M = b CI 1) 2) At C = D ] K L Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 3/31 Statik | 0936 | Log/tech slide rule of wood/plastic, 385x42x12 mm Front Scales: 30cm / M A = B sb CI 1) 2) fe C = D h(fe) ] K L #3)#, Back Scales: = S 4) 5) ST T = |
Faber Castell 307 Columbus | 0932 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 310x28x65 mm Front Scales: C = D M |
Faber Castell 308 | 2902 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 152x23x7.4 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 310/52 Projektionsrechenstab | 1164 | Generic projection of plastic, 380x200x12 mm Front Scales: L K A = B BI CI C = D LL1 LL2 LL3 Back Scales: T1 T2 DF = CF CIF S' C = D S ST P |
Faber Castell 310/87 Projection of 111/87 | 3882 | Generic slide rule of perspex, 368x200x15 mm Front Scales: K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: K A = S ST T = D L |
Faber Castell 314 | 0935 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 122x18.2x4.3 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: 11cm 4inch |
Faber Castell 332 | 0937 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 152.5x23.5x6.5 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D |
Faber Castell 339 Schulrechenstab | 2686 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 280x27,5x7.5mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: 28cm 11inch |
Faber Castell 342 Columbus | 0941 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 385x50x12.8 mm Front Scales: s £ d £ E.P% V.P.% / Val = Div. Val.Mult Val.Mult Div. = Val. ] 38cm |
Faber Castell 345 | 0942 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 280x33x11 mm Front Scales: 10inch / A = B C = D ] 27cm #30-55cm# Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 357 | 0944 | Generic slide rule of all wood, 280x33x10 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A = B C = D ] 28cm #30-55cm# Back Scales: = S. L. T. = |
Faber Castell 360 | 3457 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 280x33.5x10.7 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A = B C = D ] 28cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 363 | 0953 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 280x32.5x9 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A = B C = D ] 28cm #30-55cm# Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 368 (electro) | 0956 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 285x36x9 mm Front Scales: LL3 LL2 / A = B C = D / 27cm #Dynamo-Motor n% Volt#, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 368 (electro) | 3454 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 285x36x9 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A = B C = D / LL3 LL2 #Dynamo-Motor n% Volt#, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 369 | 0957 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 149x28.6x10 mm Front Scales: 14cm / A = B C = D ] 15cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 374 System Pickworth | 2894 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 280x32x9.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A = B C = D ] 28cm Back Scales: = S L T = K |
Faber Castell 375 Rietz | 0962 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 279x37.6x10 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B C = D L ] 28cm Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 378 | 0971 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 295x38x10 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B C = D LL3 ] 10inch #Dynamo-Motor n=% Volt#, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 387 | 0983 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 305x41.5x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L ] 1:25 #33-60cm#, Back Scales: = S S&T T = |
Faber Castell 392 | 0986 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x41x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 / K Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 398 | 0987 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x41.2x11 mm Front Scales: 10inch / LL2 A = B 1) CI C = D LL3 ] K #Dynamo-Motor n=% Volt#, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 4/22 Disponent | 0991 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 574x42.5x13.8 mm Front Scales: 50cm / units DF = CF CI C = D L ] sh/d £ Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 % C = |
Faber Castell 4/54 Darmstadt | 0993 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 574x42x13 mm Front Scales: 50cm L / K A = B CI C = D P ] S T Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 4/98 Elektro | 1000 | Electrical slide rule of wood/plastic, 577x43x14 mm Front Scales: 50cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 ] K #Dynamo/Motor Volt#, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 4477 Wichmann | 1007 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x39x11 mm Front Scales: 27cm lg / K A = B CI C = D P ] sin tg #34-58cm#, Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 51/22 | 1009 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x30x9 mm Front Scales: units KZ = T Val. E = V L Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 % C = |
Faber Castell 51/39 | 1010 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 301x30x9.5 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D Back Scales: 30cm = = 11.7inch |
Faber Castell 51/39/339 School Rekenlineaal | 1182 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x30x9.4 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: 30cm 11.7inch |
Faber Castell 51/91 | 1012 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x30x10 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 51/94 System Rietz | 5754 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 300x30x9 mm Front Scales: K A = B C = D L Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 51/94/317 Schul Rechenstab | 1184 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 300x30x9 mm Front Scales: K A = B C = D L Back Scales: 30cm = sin sin/tg tg = 11inch |
Faber Castell 52/22 Schul Disponent | 2868 | Generic slide rule of all wood, 300x30x10 mm Front Scales: 1) KZ = T val E = V L Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 % C = |
Faber Castell 52/39/355 | 1186 | Generic slide rule of all wood, 300x30x9 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D |
Faber Castell 52/80 Mentor | 1015 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 324x41.5x4 mm Front Scales: A % DF = CF CIF CI C = D K Back Scales: 25cm = = 10inch |
Faber Castell 52/81 Novo Mentor | 1018 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 325x41.8x4 mm Front Scales: A DF = CF CIF CI C = D K Back Scales: T1 T2 = S' CI C = D S ST |
Faber Castell 52/82 D-stab | 1019 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 325x42x4 mm (1971) Front Scales: L K A = B BI CI C = D LL1 LL2 LL3 Back Scales: T1 T2 DF = CF CIF S' C = D S ST P |
Faber Castell 55/91 | 3451 | Generic slide rule of all wood, 300x30x9 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 57/22 Disponent | 1030 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 298x40x5.2 mm Front Scales: 27cm / conversionfactors % DF = CF CI C = D L, Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 % C = |
Faber Castell 57/22 W Tuberios de Fibrocemento | 3895 | Concrete slide rule of plastic |
Faber Castell 57/69 | 1038 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 298x40x5.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / AG = I oam2 II oam2 = OS |
Faber Castell 57/86 Columbus | 1043 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 288x32x4.5mm (1962) Front Scales: 27cm / A = B C = D |
Faber Castell 57/87 Schul Rietz | 1048 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x396x5.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell 57/88 Rietz-N | 1065 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x49x5.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B L CI C = D S ST T1 T2 |
Faber Castell 57/89 Log Log | 1070 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x49x5.5 mm Front Scales: 27cm / K A = B L CI C = D S ST T1 T2 Back Scales: = LL2 S' LL3 = |
Faber Castell 57/92 | 1076 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 298x39.8x5.5 mm Front Scales: 10inch / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 61/60/369 | 1187 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 156x31.5x9.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / A = B C = D ] 1:25 Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 61/87/397 Rietz | 1188 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 155x31x9 mm Front Scales: 14cm / K A = B CI C = D L ] 1:25 Back Scales: = sin sin/tg tg = |
Faber Castell 62/82 N Duplex | 1080 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 200x47x3.5 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 L A = B BI CI S' C = D S ST P Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 K DF = CF K' CIF CI C = D LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 62/83 | 3439 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 186x42x4 mm Front Scales: K T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D ST S P Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 W2 = W2' L C W1' = W1 LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 62/83 N Novo-Duplex | 1082 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 200x46.4x3.4 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 K A DF = CF B CIF CI C = D DI S ST P, Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 LL00 W2 = W2' CI L C W1' = W1 D LL0 LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 63/22 | 1084 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 155x30x4.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / KZ = T Val E = V |
Faber Castell 63/22 R Kleindisponent Addiator | 1085 | Generic rule/addiator of wood/plastic, 155x37x8 mm Front Scales: 14cm / KZ = T Val E = V \ s/£ d/£ |
Faber Castell 63/39 | 1086 | Generic slide rule of wood/plastic, 155x31.4x4.8 mm Front Scales: 14cm / A = B C = D |
Faber Castell 63/83 | 1087 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 172x38x3.5 mm Front Scales: K T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D S ST P Back Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 W2 = W2' L C W1' = W1 LL1 LL2 LL3 |
Faber Castell 63/87 | 3255 | Generic slide rule of plastic |
Faber Castell 63/91 | 1089 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 150x30.5x4.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / A = B C = D |
Faber Castell 64/22 | 1520 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 154x31x6 mm Front Scales: 5inch / DF = CF CI C = D |
Faber Castell 64/91 | 3449 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 155x32x6.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / A = B C = D Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Faber Castell 67/22 Kleindisponent | 1094 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x33x4.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / % DF = CF CI C = D Back Scales: = sh/d £ = |
Faber Castell 67/22 Rb Disponent Addiator | 1097 | Generic rule/addiator of plastic, 158x42x7 mm Front Scales: 14cm / % DF = CF CI C = D sh/d £ |
Faber Castell 67/34 Medizinischer Rechenstab Hemaglobin | 3893 | Medical slide rule of plastic |
Faber Castell 67/39 | 1098 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x32.8x4.4 mm Front Scales: 14cm / A = B C = D |
Faber Castell 67/54 b Darmstadt | 1100 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 158x42x4.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / L K A = B CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 67/54 b SZ | 3903 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 158x42x4 mm Front Scales: 14cm / j cosj A = B CI C D sinj tgj L |
Faber Castell 67/54 Darmstadt | 1099 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 153x40x4 mm Front Scales: 14cm lg / K A = B CI C = D P \ sin tg Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 67/54 R Darmstadt | 1105 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 153x40x9 mm Front Scales: 14cm L / K A = B CI C = D P \ S T Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 67/54 Rb Darmstadt Addiator | 2817 | Generic rule/addiator of plastic/metal, 158x41x7 mm Front Scales: 14cm / L K A = B CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 67/54 Rb Darmstadt Addiator | 3131 | Generic rule/addiator of plastic/metal, 157x42x7 mm Front Scales: 5inch / L K A = B CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Faber Castell 67/56 b Schweisstechnik | 2793 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 157x42x4.2 mm Front Scales: 14cm / L K A = B CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = H CI C = |
Faber Castell 67/87 Rb Rietz Addiator | 1106 | Generic rule/addiator of plastic, 158x43x8 mm Front Scales: 14cm / L K A = B CI C = D S ST T |
Faber Castell 67/87 Rietz | 1108 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x32.8x4.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell 67/91 | 1117 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x33x4.5 mm Front Scales: 14cm / A = B C = D Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 67/98 b Elektro | 1120 | Electrical slide rule of plastic, 158x42x4.6 mm Front Scales: 14cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 Dynamo-Motor h=% Volt, Back Scales: = S L T = |
Faber Castell 8/10 | 1001 | Generic disc of plastic, 125x7 mm Front Scales: K A L D = C CI B T1 T2 S ST |
Faber Castell 8/30 | 3565 | Financial disc of plastic, 95x1.5 mm Front Scales: RABATT% AUFSCHLAG% D = C CI |
Faber Castell 9205 | 3458 | Generic slide rule of wood/celluloid, 279x37x11 mm Front Scales: 26cm / K A = B C = D L ] 10inch Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell Calculating Rule | 5741 | Generic slide rule of all wood |
Faber Castell Kodak | 5040 | Photography slide rule of plastic |
Faber Castell Nijgh & Van Ditmar | 0844 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 297x39.8x5.4 mm Front Scales: 27cm / A DF = CF L CI C = D K Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Faber Castell TR 2 with pocket calculator | 0849 | Log/comp slide rule of plastic, 171x58x18 mm (1978) Front Scales: LL03 LL02 LL01 K A = B BI CI C = D L LL1 LL2 LL3, Back Scales: = T1 ST S P C = |