Aristo (gwr) | 3692 | By Dennert, military slide rule of plastic, 380x42x7 mm Front Scales: Em Gerätekonstante / Ablage = Ablage (m) Wahre (hm) = Gerätekonstante ] 36cm |
Aristo 0602 | 0163 | Financial disc of plastic, 80x1.8 mm Front Scales: C = D % |
Aristo 0902 Junior Trig | 0239 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966) Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K Back Scales: ST T1 T2 = CI C = D P S |
Aristo 0903 LL Scholar | 0258 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.6x4 mm Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T Back Scales: 25cm = S LL2 LL3 = 8inch |
Aristo 0905 Schul Commerz | 0290 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1952) Front Scales: % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M £ s./d. Back Scales: 25cm = = 8inch |
Aristo 0906 LL Bischolar LL | 0298 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 329x44x4 mm Front Scales: L K A = B BI S C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |
Aristo 0907 Commerz Junior | 0299 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.8x4 mm Front Scales: A DF = CF CIF CI C = D L LL1 LL2 |
Aristo 0908 Trilog | 0300 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966) Front Scales: T1 T2 A = B BI CI C = D P S ST Back Scales: LL1 LL2 LL3 DF = CF CIF CI C = D L K |
Aristo 0929 MultiTrig | 0329 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2 Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2 |
Aristo 0958 - 360° Geodät | 0340 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 336x48x4.5 mm Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos |
Aristo 0969 Studio Log | 0374 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 372x66x4.5 mm Front Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B BI K L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0 Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF S CI C = D DI P S |
Aristo 0971 Hyperbolog | 0392 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm (1954) Front Scales: Th K A = B T ST S C = D DI Sh2 Sh1 Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Aristo 0972 Hyperlog | 0396 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 358x66x4 mm (1954) Front Scales: H2 Sh2 Th K A = B T ST S P C = D DI Ch Sh1 H1 Back Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0 |
Aristo 10076 For Chemists | 5434 | Conversion slide chart |
Aristo 10096 | 3865 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 320x34x3 mm |
Aristo 101 Junior Projektionsrechenstab | 0147 | Generic projection of plastic, 380x170x212 mm Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4) |
Aristo 10101 System Blechstein | 0401 | Other slide rule of plastic, 320x130x26 mm |
Aristo 10102 System Blechstein | 0402 | Other slide rule of plastic, 290x84x2 mm |
Aristo 10125 Galvanotechnisch | 0403 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 155x47x4 mm Front Scales: 14cm / a = b f c = d \ 5inch Back Scales: = e = |
Aristo 10132 Baustahlgewebe | 0404 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 167x44 mm Front Scales: h M = B se sb = fe diameters Q R Back Scales: = B se sb = |
Aristo 10133 Philips Cinema | 0405 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 230x36x3.4 mm Front Scales: P = H,B 1) h,b = f |
Aristo 10175 | 3534 | Slide rule |
Aristo 1067 U | 0397 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 580x49x7 mm Front Scales: 50cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Aristo 168 Studio Projektionsrechenstab | 0156 | Generic projection of plastic, 380x170 mm Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |
Aristo 170104 | 2823 | Military disc of plastic, 240x176x16 mm (1962) |
Aristo 201 Junior Projection | 6009 | Generic projection of metal/plastic, 250x51x5 mm Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K |
Aristo 386 | 5031 | Generic slide rule of plastic |
Aristo 60115 | 0410 | Generic disc of plastic, 148x2 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D = E |
Aristo 60149 Naviguide P 2 | 3465 | Nautical disc of perspex, 150x150x4 mm |
Aristo 60168 | 0414 | Technical disc of plastic, 140x2.5 mm |
Aristo 603 Prozent Rechner | 0165 | Financial disc of plastic, 122x2 mm Front Scales: C = D % |
Aristo 604 | 0166 | Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm Front Scales: C = D % |
Aristo 605 | 0167 | Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm Front Scales: C = % |
Aristo 610 Aviat | 0169 | Aviation disc of plastic, 100x3 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9), 4 windows, 10) 11) Back Scales: 12) = 13) 14) 15) = 16) 17) 18) |
Aristo 620 | 0174 | Generic disc of plastic, 120x6 mm Front Scales: C = D |
Aristo 622 Calculator | 0176 | Generic disc of plastic, 122x4 mm Front Scales: K A C = D CI |
Aristo 623 Commerz III | 0177 | Generic disc of plastic, 122x2 mm Front Scales: units D = C CI % |
Aristo 647 BD Aviat Jet | 0179 | Aviation disc of plastic, 250x140 mm |
Aristo 661 Naviat | 0181 | Nautical disc of plastic, 140x250 mm Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4) + 2 windows Back Scales: 5) = 6) 7) |
Aristo 670 Fahrtenrechner | 0182 | Technical disc of plastic, 50x2 mm Front Scales: 1) = 2) = 3), Back Scales: 4) = 5) = 6) |
Aristo 80105 Entwurf: v. Staden | 5795 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x33x5 mm Front Scales: 13cm / % = °C % % C = D |
Aristo 80107 | 5797 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x32x4.6 mm Front Scales: 13cm / %Verlust t = %CO2 °F C = D °C Back Scales: = Centistokes °Engler Redwood No.1Sek = |
Aristo 80135 | 5440 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 168x38 mm (1944) Front Scales: 14cm w = v CI C = D K L Back Scales: C = P M = Q |
Aristo 80148 System Poser | 0417 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 173x38x3 mm Front Scales: 120mm = 1 2 = 3 4, Back Scales: 5 = 6 = 7 |
Aristo 80161 | 0418 | Other slide rule of plastic, 158x32x45 mm Front Scales: 14cm / 1) = 2) 3) = 4) |
Aristo 80161 Presby Rechenstab nach Dr. Reiner | 6008 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.5 mm (1975) Front Scales: 14cm / Sehbereich = Akkommod. = Nachzusatz |
Aristo 803 Scholar | 0184 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 166x44x4 mm Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T |
Aristo 811 | 3658 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 120x25x3 mm Front Scales: 10cm / A = B CI C = D |
Aristo 812 Simplex | 0189 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.8 mm Front Scales: 13cm / A = B C = D Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Aristo 814 Elektro (Ahrend 690/1) | 3980 | Electrical slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.6 mm Front Scales: 13cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 #V D/M(=) G/M3~)#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = 5inch |
Aristo 815 Elektro | 0194 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 164x41.2x4.8 mm Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D D/M(=) V Back Scales: = S ST L T = |
Aristo 826 MultiTrig | 0200 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 175x38x3 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2 Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2 |
Aristo 845 Commerz I | 0201 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32.6x4.2 mm Front Scales: 13cm / % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M Back Scales: = £ s./d. = |
Aristo 852 | 3657 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.5x4.5 mm Front Scales: 13cm / U1/U2 A = B Neper C = D db U1/U2 Back Scales: = Volt mv mv = |
Aristo 860 Darmstadt | 0206 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x41x4.8 mm Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Aristo 867 Darmstadt | 0208 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x46x4.8 mm Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Aristo 868 Studio | 0220 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 174x39x3 mm (1954) Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |
Aristo 870 Multilog | 0230 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 169x38x3 mm Front Scales: LL00 K A = B T ST S C = D DI LL0 Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Aristo 89 Rietz (Ahrend 690) | 0114 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.4x4.2 mm Front Scales: 13cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Aristo 890 Rietz | 0232 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.6 mm (1954) Front Scales: 14cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Aristo 90117 Aqua Math | 0120 | Tabaque slide rule of plastic, 218x44x2.5 mm |
Aristo 90128 | 5433 | Financial slide rule |
Aristo 90184 Baustahlgewebe Bemessungsschieber | 0420 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 319x44x4 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) A = B CI 3) C = D 4) 5) Back Scales: 6) h M = 7) = fe 8) |
Aristo 909 Multirietz | 0305 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x43.8x3.8 mm Front Scales: P A = B T ST S = D DI Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Aristo 914 Elektro | 0309 | Electrical slide rule of plastic, 300x40.8x7.8 mm Front Scales: 28cm / E A = B R C = D E ] K #Volt Dynamo Motor#, Back Scales: 30cm = S L T = |
Aristo 915 Elektro | 0314 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x55x7 mm Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V \ 9inch, Back Scales: = S ST L T = |
Aristo 915 Elektro (Ahrend 696) | 0315 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x48x5.4 mm Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V, Back Scales: = S ST L T = 11inch |
Aristo 92 | 0129 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 360x35x5.5 mm Front Scales: 28cm / A = B CI C = D Back Scales: = S L T = |
Aristo 920 | 5441 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic |
Aristo 929 Multirietz | 0322 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm (1959) Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Aristo 929 Technica (Ahrend 701) | 0323 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Aristo 939 Stahlbeton System Göttsch | 0331 | Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h |
Aristo 940 Stahlbeton | 0334 | Concrete slide rule of plastic, 373x66x6 mm Front Scales: Fe me Me(=A) = b(=B) BI dmax e1 k kd a e maxd CI kb(=C) = ke(=D) k h |
Aristo 95 1/2 | 0130 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 284x27x3.7 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: 28cm = S T = |
Aristo 958 - 400g Geodät | 0339 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 339x48x45 mm (1959) Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos |
Aristo 99 Rietz | 0132 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x41x7 mm Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Aristo Aviat 613 | 5742 | Aviation disc of plastic, 130x77 mm Front Scales: see picture Back Scales: see picture |
Aristo Aviat 615 (front side) | 0170 | Aviation disc of plastic, 140 x 5 mm Front Scales: ca 20 scales Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) 4) = 5) 6) |
Aristo Aviat 617 | 0172 | Aviation disc of plastic, 140x250x7 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) + 4 windows + 6) 7) 8) 9) 10), Back Scales: 11) = 12) 13) |
Aristo Drum | 3244 | Cylinder |
Aristo G 616 Aviat | 0171 | Aviation disc of plastic, 114x250x1 mm (1956) Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) Back Scales: 4) 5) = 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) |
Aristo gwr | 1355 | Aviation slide rule of plastic, 381x425x7 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) / 3) = 4) 5) = 6); on cursor 7) ] 36cm |
Aristo Nautical | 3242 | Nautical cylinder |
Aristo Stahlbeton 939 System Göttsch Front only | 5774 | Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h |
Aristo Studio 0968 for 400° | 6007 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.5 mm (1954) Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |
Aristo (gwr) | 3692 | By Dennert, military slide rule of plastic, 380x42x7 mm Front Scales: Em Gerätekonstante / Ablage = Ablage (m) Wahre (hm) = Gerätekonstante ] 36cm |
Aristo 0602 | 0163 | Financial disc of plastic, 80x1.8 mm Front Scales: C = D % |
Aristo 0902 Junior Trig | 0239 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966) Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K Back Scales: ST T1 T2 = CI C = D P S |
Aristo 0903 LL Scholar | 0258 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.6x4 mm Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T Back Scales: 25cm = S LL2 LL3 = 8inch |
Aristo 0905 Schul Commerz | 0290 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1952) Front Scales: % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M £ s./d. Back Scales: 25cm = = 8inch |
Aristo 0906 LL Bischolar LL | 0298 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 329x44x4 mm Front Scales: L K A = B BI S C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |
Aristo 0907 Commerz Junior | 0299 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.8x4 mm Front Scales: A DF = CF CIF CI C = D L LL1 LL2 |
Aristo 0908 Trilog | 0300 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966) Front Scales: T1 T2 A = B BI CI C = D P S ST Back Scales: LL1 LL2 LL3 DF = CF CIF CI C = D L K |
Aristo 0929 MultiTrig | 0329 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2 Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2 |
Aristo 0958 - 360° Geodät | 0340 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 336x48x4.5 mm Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos |
Aristo 0969 Studio Log | 0374 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 372x66x4.5 mm Front Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B BI K L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0 Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF S CI C = D DI P S |
Aristo 0971 Hyperbolog | 0392 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm (1954) Front Scales: Th K A = B T ST S C = D DI Sh2 Sh1 Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Aristo 0972 Hyperlog | 0396 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 358x66x4 mm (1954) Front Scales: H2 Sh2 Th K A = B T ST S P C = D DI Ch Sh1 H1 Back Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0 |
Aristo 10076 For Chemists | 5434 | Conversion slide chart |
Aristo 10096 | 3865 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 320x34x3 mm |
Aristo 101 Junior Projektionsrechenstab | 0147 | Generic projection of plastic, 380x170x212 mm Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4) |
Aristo 10101 System Blechstein | 0401 | Other slide rule of plastic, 320x130x26 mm |
Aristo 10102 System Blechstein | 0402 | Other slide rule of plastic, 290x84x2 mm |
Aristo 10125 Galvanotechnisch | 0403 | Technical slide rule of plastic, 155x47x4 mm Front Scales: 14cm / a = b f c = d \ 5inch Back Scales: = e = |
Aristo 10132 Baustahlgewebe | 0404 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 167x44 mm Front Scales: h M = B se sb = fe diameters Q R Back Scales: = B se sb = |
Aristo 10133 Philips Cinema | 0405 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 230x36x3.4 mm Front Scales: P = H,B 1) h,b = f |
Aristo 10175 | 3534 | Slide rule |
Aristo 1067 U | 0397 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 580x49x7 mm Front Scales: 50cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Aristo 168 Studio Projektionsrechenstab | 0156 | Generic projection of plastic, 380x170 mm Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |
Aristo 170104 | 2823 | Military disc of plastic, 240x176x16 mm (1962) |
Aristo 201 Junior Projection | 6009 | Generic projection of metal/plastic, 250x51x5 mm Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K |
Aristo 386 | 5031 | Generic slide rule of plastic |
Aristo 60115 | 0410 | Generic disc of plastic, 148x2 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D = E |
Aristo 60149 Naviguide P 2 | 3465 | Nautical disc of perspex, 150x150x4 mm |
Aristo 60168 | 0414 | Technical disc of plastic, 140x2.5 mm |
Aristo 603 Prozent Rechner | 0165 | Financial disc of plastic, 122x2 mm Front Scales: C = D % |
Aristo 604 | 0166 | Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm Front Scales: C = D % |
Aristo 605 | 0167 | Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm Front Scales: C = % |
Aristo 610 Aviat | 0169 | Aviation disc of plastic, 100x3 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9), 4 windows, 10) 11) Back Scales: 12) = 13) 14) 15) = 16) 17) 18) |
Aristo 620 | 0174 | Generic disc of plastic, 120x6 mm Front Scales: C = D |
Aristo 622 Calculator | 0176 | Generic disc of plastic, 122x4 mm Front Scales: K A C = D CI |
Aristo 623 Commerz III | 0177 | Generic disc of plastic, 122x2 mm Front Scales: units D = C CI % |
Aristo 647 BD Aviat Jet | 0179 | Aviation disc of plastic, 250x140 mm |
Aristo 661 Naviat | 0181 | Nautical disc of plastic, 140x250 mm Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4) + 2 windows Back Scales: 5) = 6) 7) |
Aristo 670 Fahrtenrechner | 0182 | Technical disc of plastic, 50x2 mm Front Scales: 1) = 2) = 3), Back Scales: 4) = 5) = 6) |
Aristo 80105 Entwurf: v. Staden | 5795 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x33x5 mm Front Scales: 13cm / % = °C % % C = D |
Aristo 80107 | 5797 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x32x4.6 mm Front Scales: 13cm / %Verlust t = %CO2 °F C = D °C Back Scales: = Centistokes °Engler Redwood No.1Sek = |
Aristo 80135 | 5440 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 168x38 mm (1944) Front Scales: 14cm w = v CI C = D K L Back Scales: C = P M = Q |
Aristo 80148 System Poser | 0417 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 173x38x3 mm Front Scales: 120mm = 1 2 = 3 4, Back Scales: 5 = 6 = 7 |
Aristo 80161 | 0418 | Other slide rule of plastic, 158x32x45 mm Front Scales: 14cm / 1) = 2) 3) = 4) |
Aristo 80161 Presby Rechenstab nach Dr. Reiner | 6008 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.5 mm (1975) Front Scales: 14cm / Sehbereich = Akkommod. = Nachzusatz |
Aristo 803 Scholar | 0184 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 166x44x4 mm Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T |
Aristo 811 | 3658 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 120x25x3 mm Front Scales: 10cm / A = B CI C = D |
Aristo 812 Simplex | 0189 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.8 mm Front Scales: 13cm / A = B C = D Back Scales: = sin lg tg = |
Aristo 814 Elektro (Ahrend 690/1) | 3980 | Electrical slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.6 mm Front Scales: 13cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 #V D/M(=) G/M3~)#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = 5inch |
Aristo 815 Elektro | 0194 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 164x41.2x4.8 mm Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D D/M(=) V Back Scales: = S ST L T = |
Aristo 826 MultiTrig | 0200 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 175x38x3 mm Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2 Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2 |
Aristo 845 Commerz I | 0201 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32.6x4.2 mm Front Scales: 13cm / % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M Back Scales: = £ s./d. = |
Aristo 852 | 3657 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.5x4.5 mm Front Scales: 13cm / U1/U2 A = B Neper C = D db U1/U2 Back Scales: = Volt mv mv = |
Aristo 860 Darmstadt | 0206 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x41x4.8 mm Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Aristo 867 Darmstadt | 0208 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x46x4.8 mm Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 = |
Aristo 868 Studio | 0220 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 174x39x3 mm (1954) Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |
Aristo 870 Multilog | 0230 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 169x38x3 mm Front Scales: LL00 K A = B T ST S C = D DI LL0 Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 |
Aristo 89 Rietz (Ahrend 690) | 0114 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.4x4.2 mm Front Scales: 13cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Aristo 890 Rietz | 0232 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.6 mm (1954) Front Scales: 14cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Aristo 90117 Aqua Math | 0120 | Tabaque slide rule of plastic, 218x44x2.5 mm |
Aristo 90128 | 5433 | Financial slide rule |
Aristo 90184 Baustahlgewebe Bemessungsschieber | 0420 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 319x44x4 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) A = B CI 3) C = D 4) 5) Back Scales: 6) h M = 7) = fe 8) |
Aristo 909 Multirietz | 0305 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x43.8x3.8 mm Front Scales: P A = B T ST S = D DI Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Aristo 914 Elektro | 0309 | Electrical slide rule of plastic, 300x40.8x7.8 mm Front Scales: 28cm / E A = B R C = D E ] K #Volt Dynamo Motor#, Back Scales: 30cm = S L T = |
Aristo 915 Elektro | 0314 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x55x7 mm Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V \ 9inch, Back Scales: = S ST L T = |
Aristo 915 Elektro (Ahrend 696) | 0315 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x48x5.4 mm Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V, Back Scales: = S ST L T = 11inch |
Aristo 92 | 0129 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 360x35x5.5 mm Front Scales: 28cm / A = B CI C = D Back Scales: = S L T = |
Aristo 920 | 5441 | Log/tech slide rule of plastic |
Aristo 929 Multirietz | 0322 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm (1959) Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Aristo 929 Technica (Ahrend 701) | 0323 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L |
Aristo 939 Stahlbeton System Göttsch | 0331 | Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h |
Aristo 940 Stahlbeton | 0334 | Concrete slide rule of plastic, 373x66x6 mm Front Scales: Fe me Me(=A) = b(=B) BI dmax e1 k kd a e maxd CI kb(=C) = ke(=D) k h |
Aristo 95 1/2 | 0130 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 284x27x3.7 mm Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: 28cm = S T = |
Aristo 958 - 400g Geodät | 0339 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 339x48x45 mm (1959) Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos |
Aristo 99 Rietz | 0132 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x41x7 mm Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B CI C = D L Back Scales: = S ST T = |
Aristo Aviat 613 | 5742 | Aviation disc of plastic, 130x77 mm Front Scales: see picture Back Scales: see picture |
Aristo Aviat 615 (front side) | 0170 | Aviation disc of plastic, 140 x 5 mm Front Scales: ca 20 scales Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) 4) = 5) 6) |
Aristo Aviat 617 | 0172 | Aviation disc of plastic, 140x250x7 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) + 4 windows + 6) 7) 8) 9) 10), Back Scales: 11) = 12) 13) |
Aristo Drum | 3244 | Cylinder |
Aristo G 616 Aviat | 0171 | Aviation disc of plastic, 114x250x1 mm (1956) Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) Back Scales: 4) 5) = 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) |
Aristo gwr | 1355 | Aviation slide rule of plastic, 381x425x7 mm Front Scales: 1) 2) / 3) = 4) 5) = 6); on cursor 7) ] 36cm |
Aristo Nautical | 3242 | Nautical cylinder |
Aristo Stahlbeton 939 System Göttsch Front only | 5774 | Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h |
Aristo Studio 0968 for 400° | 6007 | Generic slide rule of plastic, 37x48x4.5 mm (1954) Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S |