

Sub-List :  “ARISTO”

Aristo (gwr) 3692 By Dennert, military slide rule of plastic, 380x42x7 mm
Front Scales: Em Gerätekonstante / Ablage = Ablage (m) Wahre (hm) = Gerätekonstante ] 36cm
Aristo 0602 0163 Financial disc of plastic, 80x1.8 mm
Front Scales: C = D %
Aristo 0902 Junior Trig 0239 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966)
Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 = CI C = D P S
Aristo 0903 LL Scholar 0258 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.6x4 mm
Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T
Back Scales: 25cm = S LL2 LL3 = 8inch
Aristo 0905 Schul Commerz 0290 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1952)
Front Scales: % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M £ s./d.
Back Scales: 25cm = = 8inch
Aristo 0906 LL Bischolar LL 0298 Generic slide rule of plastic, 329x44x4 mm
Front Scales: L K A = B BI S C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S
Aristo 0907 Commerz Junior 0299 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.8x4 mm
Front Scales: A DF = CF CIF CI C = D L LL1 LL2
Aristo 0908 Trilog 0300 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966)
Front Scales: T1 T2 A = B BI CI C = D P S ST
Back Scales: LL1 LL2 LL3 DF = CF CIF CI C = D L K
Aristo 0929 MultiTrig 0329 Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm
Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2
Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2
Aristo 0958 - 360° Geodät 0340 Generic slide rule of plastic, 336x48x4.5 mm
Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos
Aristo 0969 Studio Log 0374 Generic slide rule of plastic, 372x66x4.5 mm
Front Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B BI K L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF S CI C = D DI P S
Aristo 0971 Hyperbolog 0392 Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm (1954)
Front Scales: Th K A = B T ST S C = D DI Sh2 Sh1
Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Aristo 0972 Hyperlog 0396 Generic slide rule of plastic, 358x66x4 mm (1954)
Front Scales: H2 Sh2 Th K A = B T ST S P C = D DI Ch Sh1 H1
Back Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0
Aristo 10076 For Chemists 5434 Conversion slide chart
Aristo 10096 3865 Technical slide rule of plastic, 320x34x3 mm
Aristo 101 Junior Projektionsrechenstab 0147 Generic projection of plastic, 380x170x212 mm
Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K
Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4)
Aristo 10101 System Blechstein 0401 Other slide rule of plastic, 320x130x26 mm
Aristo 10102 System Blechstein 0402 Other slide rule of plastic, 290x84x2 mm
Aristo 10125 Galvanotechnisch 0403 Technical slide rule of plastic, 155x47x4 mm
Front Scales: 14cm / a = b f c = d \ 5inch
Back Scales: = e =
Aristo 10132 Baustahlgewebe 0404 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 167x44 mm
Front Scales: h M = B se sb = fe diameters Q R
Back Scales: = B se sb =
Aristo 10133 Philips Cinema 0405 Generic slide rule of plastic, 230x36x3.4 mm
Front Scales: P = H,B 1) h,b = f
Aristo 10175 3534 Slide rule
Aristo 1067 U 0397 Generic slide rule of plastic, 580x49x7 mm
Front Scales: 50cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T
Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 =
Aristo 168 Studio Projektionsrechenstab 0156 Generic projection of plastic, 380x170 mm
Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S
Aristo 170104 2823 Military disc of plastic, 240x176x16 mm (1962)
Aristo 201 Junior Projection 6009 Generic projection of metal/plastic, 250x51x5 mm
Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K
Aristo 386 5031 Generic slide rule of plastic
Aristo 60115 0410 Generic disc of plastic, 148x2 mm
Front Scales: A = B C = D = E
Aristo 60149 Naviguide P 2 3465 Nautical disc of perspex, 150x150x4 mm
Aristo 60168 0414 Technical disc of plastic, 140x2.5 mm
Aristo 603 Prozent Rechner 0165 Financial disc of plastic, 122x2 mm
Front Scales: C = D %
Aristo 604 0166 Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm
Front Scales: C = D %
Aristo 605 0167 Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm
Front Scales: C = %
Aristo 610 Aviat 0169 Aviation disc of plastic, 100x3 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9), 4 windows, 10) 11)
Back Scales: 12) = 13) 14) 15) = 16) 17) 18)
Aristo 620 0174 Generic disc of plastic, 120x6 mm
Front Scales: C = D
Aristo 622 Calculator 0176 Generic disc of plastic, 122x4 mm
Front Scales: K A C = D CI
Aristo 623 Commerz III 0177 Generic disc of plastic, 122x2 mm
Front Scales: units D = C CI %
Aristo 647 BD Aviat Jet 0179 Aviation disc of plastic, 250x140 mm
Aristo 661 Naviat 0181 Nautical disc of plastic, 140x250 mm
Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4) + 2 windows
Back Scales: 5) = 6) 7)
Aristo 670 Fahrtenrechner 0182 Technical disc of plastic, 50x2 mm
Front Scales: 1) = 2) = 3), Back Scales: 4) = 5) = 6)
Aristo 80105 Entwurf: v. Staden 5795 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x33x5 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / % = °C % % C = D
Aristo 80107 5797 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x32x4.6 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / %Verlust ­t = %CO2 °F C = D °C
Back Scales: = Centistokes °Engler Redwood No.1Sek =
Aristo 80135 5440 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 168x38 mm (1944)
Front Scales: 14cm w = v CI C = D K L
Back Scales: C = P M = Q
Aristo 80148 System Poser 0417 Generic slide rule of plastic, 173x38x3 mm
Front Scales: 120mm = 1 2 = 3 4, Back Scales: 5 = 6 = 7
Aristo 80161 0418 Other slide rule of plastic, 158x32x45 mm
Front Scales: 14cm / 1) = 2) 3) = 4)
Aristo 80161 Presby Rechenstab nach Dr. Reiner 6008 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.5 mm (1975)
Front Scales: 14cm / Sehbereich = Akkommod. = Nachzusatz
Aristo 803 Scholar 0184 Generic slide rule of plastic, 166x44x4 mm
Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T
Aristo 811 3658 Generic slide rule of plastic, 120x25x3 mm
Front Scales: 10cm / A = B CI C = D
Aristo 812 Simplex 0189 Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.8 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / A = B C = D
Back Scales: = sin lg tg =
Aristo 814 Elektro (Ahrend 690/1) 3980 Electrical slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.6 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 #V D/M(=) G/M3~)#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = 5inch
Aristo 815 Elektro 0194 Generic slide rule of plastic, 164x41.2x4.8 mm
Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D D/M(=) V
Back Scales: = S ST L T =
Aristo 826 MultiTrig 0200 Generic slide rule of plastic, 175x38x3 mm
Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2
Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2
Aristo 845 Commerz I 0201 Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32.6x4.2 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M
Back Scales: = £ s./d. =
Aristo 852 3657 Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.5x4.5 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / U1/U2 A = B Neper C = D db U1/U2
Back Scales: = Volt mv mv =
Aristo 860 Darmstadt 0206 Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x41x4.8 mm
Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T
Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 =
Aristo 867 Darmstadt 0208 Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x46x4.8 mm
Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T
Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 =
Aristo 868 Studio 0220 Generic slide rule of plastic, 174x39x3 mm (1954)
Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S
Aristo 870 Multilog 0230 Generic slide rule of plastic, 169x38x3 mm
Front Scales: LL00 K A = B T ST S C = D DI LL0
Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Aristo 89 Rietz (Ahrend 690) 0114 Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.4x4.2 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / K A = B CI C = D L
Back Scales: = S ST T =
Aristo 890 Rietz 0232 Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.6 mm (1954)
Front Scales: 14cm / K A = B CI C = D L
Back Scales: = S ST T =
Aristo 90117 Aqua Math 0120 Tabaque slide rule of plastic, 218x44x2.5 mm
Aristo 90128 5433 Financial slide rule
Aristo 90184 Baustahlgewebe Bemessungsschieber 0420 Generic slide rule of plastic, 319x44x4 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) A = B CI 3) C = D 4) 5)
Back Scales: 6) h M = 7) = fe 8)
Aristo 909 Multirietz 0305 Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x43.8x3.8 mm
Front Scales: P A = B T ST S = D DI
Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L
Aristo 914 Elektro 0309 Electrical slide rule of plastic, 300x40.8x7.8 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / E A = B R C = D E ] K #Volt Dynamo Motor#, Back Scales: 30cm = S L T =
Aristo 915 Elektro 0314 Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x55x7 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V \ 9inch, Back Scales: = S ST L T =
Aristo 915 Elektro (Ahrend 696) 0315 Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x48x5.4 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V, Back Scales: = S ST L T = 11inch
Aristo 92 0129 Generic slide rule of plastic, 360x35x5.5 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / A = B CI C = D
Back Scales: = S L T =
Aristo 920 5441 Log/tech slide rule of plastic
Aristo 929 Multirietz 0322 Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm (1959)
Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch
Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L
Aristo 929 Technica (Ahrend 701) 0323 Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm
Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch
Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L
Aristo 939 Stahlbeton System Göttsch 0331 Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm
Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h
Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h
Aristo 940 Stahlbeton 0334 Concrete slide rule of plastic, 373x66x6 mm
Front Scales: Fe me Me(=A) = b(=B) BI dmax e1 k kd a e maxd CI kb(=C) = ke(=D) k h
Aristo 95 1/2 0130 Generic slide rule of plastic, 284x27x3.7 mm
Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: 28cm = S T =
Aristo 958 - 400g Geodät 0339 Generic slide rule of plastic, 339x48x45 mm (1959)
Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos
Aristo 99 Rietz 0132 Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x41x7 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B CI C = D L
Back Scales: = S ST T =
Aristo Aviat 613 5742 Aviation disc of plastic, 130x77 mm
Front Scales: see picture
Back Scales: see picture
Aristo Aviat 615 (front side) 0170 Aviation disc of plastic, 140 x 5 mm
Front Scales: ca 20 scales
Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) 4) = 5) 6)
Aristo Aviat 617 0172 Aviation disc of plastic, 140x250x7 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) + 4 windows + 6) 7) 8) 9) 10), Back Scales: 11) = 12) 13)
Aristo Drum 3244 Cylinder
Aristo G 616 Aviat 0171 Aviation disc of plastic, 114x250x1 mm (1956)
Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3)
Back Scales: 4) 5) = 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)
Aristo gwr 1355 Aviation slide rule of plastic, 381x425x7 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) / 3) = 4) 5) = 6); on cursor 7) ] 36cm
Aristo Nautical 3242 Nautical cylinder
Aristo Stahlbeton 939 System Göttsch Front only 5774 Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm
Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h
Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h
Aristo Studio 0968 for 400° 6007 Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.5 mm (1954)
Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S
Aristo (gwr) 3692 By Dennert, military slide rule of plastic, 380x42x7 mm
Front Scales: Em Gerätekonstante / Ablage = Ablage (m) Wahre (hm) = Gerätekonstante ] 36cm
Aristo 0602 0163 Financial disc of plastic, 80x1.8 mm
Front Scales: C = D %
Aristo 0902 Junior Trig 0239 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966)
Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 = CI C = D P S
Aristo 0903 LL Scholar 0258 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.6x4 mm
Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T
Back Scales: 25cm = S LL2 LL3 = 8inch
Aristo 0905 Schul Commerz 0290 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1952)
Front Scales: % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M £ s./d.
Back Scales: 25cm = = 8inch
Aristo 0906 LL Bischolar LL 0298 Generic slide rule of plastic, 329x44x4 mm
Front Scales: L K A = B BI S C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S
Aristo 0907 Commerz Junior 0299 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x43.8x4 mm
Front Scales: A DF = CF CIF CI C = D L LL1 LL2
Aristo 0908 Trilog 0300 Generic slide rule of plastic, 330x44x4 mm (1966)
Front Scales: T1 T2 A = B BI CI C = D P S ST
Back Scales: LL1 LL2 LL3 DF = CF CIF CI C = D L K
Aristo 0929 MultiTrig 0329 Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm
Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2
Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2
Aristo 0958 - 360° Geodät 0340 Generic slide rule of plastic, 336x48x4.5 mm
Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos
Aristo 0969 Studio Log 0374 Generic slide rule of plastic, 372x66x4.5 mm
Front Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B BI K L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF S CI C = D DI P S
Aristo 0971 Hyperbolog 0392 Generic slide rule of plastic, 338x48x4.5 mm (1954)
Front Scales: Th K A = B T ST S C = D DI Sh2 Sh1
Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Aristo 0972 Hyperlog 0396 Generic slide rule of plastic, 358x66x4 mm (1954)
Front Scales: H2 Sh2 Th K A = B T ST S P C = D DI Ch Sh1 H1
Back Scales: LL00 LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1 LL0
Aristo 10076 For Chemists 5434 Conversion slide chart
Aristo 10096 3865 Technical slide rule of plastic, 320x34x3 mm
Aristo 101 Junior Projektionsrechenstab 0147 Generic projection of plastic, 380x170x212 mm
Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K
Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4)
Aristo 10101 System Blechstein 0401 Other slide rule of plastic, 320x130x26 mm
Aristo 10102 System Blechstein 0402 Other slide rule of plastic, 290x84x2 mm
Aristo 10125 Galvanotechnisch 0403 Technical slide rule of plastic, 155x47x4 mm
Front Scales: 14cm / a = b f c = d \ 5inch
Back Scales: = e =
Aristo 10132 Baustahlgewebe 0404 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 167x44 mm
Front Scales: h M = B se sb = fe diameters Q R
Back Scales: = B se sb =
Aristo 10133 Philips Cinema 0405 Generic slide rule of plastic, 230x36x3.4 mm
Front Scales: P = H,B 1) h,b = f
Aristo 10175 3534 Slide rule
Aristo 1067 U 0397 Generic slide rule of plastic, 580x49x7 mm
Front Scales: 50cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T
Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 =
Aristo 168 Studio Projektionsrechenstab 0156 Generic projection of plastic, 380x170 mm
Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S
Aristo 170104 2823 Military disc of plastic, 240x176x16 mm (1962)
Aristo 201 Junior Projection 6009 Generic projection of metal/plastic, 250x51x5 mm
Front Scales: DF = CF CIF CI C = D A K
Aristo 386 5031 Generic slide rule of plastic
Aristo 60115 0410 Generic disc of plastic, 148x2 mm
Front Scales: A = B C = D = E
Aristo 60149 Naviguide P 2 3465 Nautical disc of perspex, 150x150x4 mm
Aristo 60168 0414 Technical disc of plastic, 140x2.5 mm
Aristo 603 Prozent Rechner 0165 Financial disc of plastic, 122x2 mm
Front Scales: C = D %
Aristo 604 0166 Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm
Front Scales: C = D %
Aristo 605 0167 Financial disc of plastic, 104x2.2 mm
Front Scales: C = %
Aristo 610 Aviat 0169 Aviation disc of plastic, 100x3 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9), 4 windows, 10) 11)
Back Scales: 12) = 13) 14) 15) = 16) 17) 18)
Aristo 620 0174 Generic disc of plastic, 120x6 mm
Front Scales: C = D
Aristo 622 Calculator 0176 Generic disc of plastic, 122x4 mm
Front Scales: K A C = D CI
Aristo 623 Commerz III 0177 Generic disc of plastic, 122x2 mm
Front Scales: units D = C CI %
Aristo 647 BD Aviat Jet 0179 Aviation disc of plastic, 250x140 mm
Aristo 661 Naviat 0181 Nautical disc of plastic, 140x250 mm
Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3) = 4) + 2 windows
Back Scales: 5) = 6) 7)
Aristo 670 Fahrtenrechner 0182 Technical disc of plastic, 50x2 mm
Front Scales: 1) = 2) = 3), Back Scales: 4) = 5) = 6)
Aristo 80105 Entwurf: v. Staden 5795 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x33x5 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / % = °C % % C = D
Aristo 80107 5797 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 154x32x4.6 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / %Verlust ­t = %CO2 °F C = D °C
Back Scales: = Centistokes °Engler Redwood No.1Sek =
Aristo 80135 5440 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 168x38 mm (1944)
Front Scales: 14cm w = v CI C = D K L
Back Scales: C = P M = Q
Aristo 80148 System Poser 0417 Generic slide rule of plastic, 173x38x3 mm
Front Scales: 120mm = 1 2 = 3 4, Back Scales: 5 = 6 = 7
Aristo 80161 0418 Other slide rule of plastic, 158x32x45 mm
Front Scales: 14cm / 1) = 2) 3) = 4)
Aristo 80161 Presby Rechenstab nach Dr. Reiner 6008 Log/tech slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.5 mm (1975)
Front Scales: 14cm / Sehbereich = Akkommod. = Nachzusatz
Aristo 803 Scholar 0184 Generic slide rule of plastic, 166x44x4 mm
Front Scales: L K A = B CI C = D S ST T
Aristo 811 3658 Generic slide rule of plastic, 120x25x3 mm
Front Scales: 10cm / A = B CI C = D
Aristo 812 Simplex 0189 Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.8 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / A = B C = D
Back Scales: = sin lg tg =
Aristo 814 Elektro (Ahrend 690/1) 3980 Electrical slide rule of plastic, 154x32x3.6 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / LL2 A = B CI C = D LL3 #V D/M(=) G/M3~)#, Back Scales: = sin lg tg = 5inch
Aristo 815 Elektro 0194 Generic slide rule of plastic, 164x41.2x4.8 mm
Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D D/M(=) V
Back Scales: = S ST L T =
Aristo 826 MultiTrig 0200 Generic slide rule of plastic, 175x38x3 mm
Front Scales: T1 T2 S A = B T ST S C = D DI P1 P2
Back Scales: L K DF = CF CIF CI C = D R1 R2
Aristo 845 Commerz I 0201 Generic slide rule of plastic, 154x32.6x4.2 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / % KZ = T2 P T1 = Z M
Back Scales: = £ s./d. =
Aristo 852 3657 Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.5x4.5 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / U1/U2 A = B Neper C = D db U1/U2
Back Scales: = Volt mv mv =
Aristo 860 Darmstadt 0206 Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x41x4.8 mm
Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T
Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 =
Aristo 867 Darmstadt 0208 Generic slide rule of plastic, 160x46x4.8 mm
Front Scales: 15cm / K A = B BI CI C = D P S T
Back Scales: = L LL1 LL2 LL3 =
Aristo 868 Studio 0220 Generic slide rule of plastic, 174x39x3 mm (1954)
Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S
Aristo 870 Multilog 0230 Generic slide rule of plastic, 169x38x3 mm
Front Scales: LL00 K A = B T ST S C = D DI LL0
Back Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 DF = CF CIF L CI C = D LL3 LL2 LL1
Aristo 89 Rietz (Ahrend 690) 0114 Generic slide rule of plastic, 155x32.4x4.2 mm
Front Scales: 13cm / K A = B CI C = D L
Back Scales: = S ST T =
Aristo 890 Rietz 0232 Generic slide rule of plastic, 157x32x4.6 mm (1954)
Front Scales: 14cm / K A = B CI C = D L
Back Scales: = S ST T =
Aristo 90117 Aqua Math 0120 Tabaque slide rule of plastic, 218x44x2.5 mm
Aristo 90128 5433 Financial slide rule
Aristo 90184 Baustahlgewebe Bemessungsschieber 0420 Generic slide rule of plastic, 319x44x4 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) A = B CI 3) C = D 4) 5)
Back Scales: 6) h M = 7) = fe 8)
Aristo 909 Multirietz 0305 Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x43.8x3.8 mm
Front Scales: P A = B T ST S = D DI
Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L
Aristo 914 Elektro 0309 Electrical slide rule of plastic, 300x40.8x7.8 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / E A = B R C = D E ] K #Volt Dynamo Motor#, Back Scales: 30cm = S L T =
Aristo 915 Elektro 0314 Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x55x7 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V \ 9inch, Back Scales: = S ST L T =
Aristo 915 Elektro (Ahrend 696) 0315 Generic slide rule of plastic, 300x48x5.4 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B BI CI C = D LL3 LL2 D/M(=) V, Back Scales: = S ST L T = 11inch
Aristo 92 0129 Generic slide rule of plastic, 360x35x5.5 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / A = B CI C = D
Back Scales: = S L T =
Aristo 920 5441 Log/tech slide rule of plastic
Aristo 929 Multirietz 0322 Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm (1959)
Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch
Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L
Aristo 929 Technica (Ahrend 701) 0323 Generic slide rule of plastic, 337x48x3.8 mm
Front Scales: 25cm P A = B T ST S = D DI 10inch
Back Scales: K DF = CF CIF CI C = D L
Aristo 939 Stahlbeton System Göttsch 0331 Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm
Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h
Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h
Aristo 940 Stahlbeton 0334 Concrete slide rule of plastic, 373x66x6 mm
Front Scales: Fe me Me(=A) = b(=B) BI dmax e1 k kd a e maxd CI kb(=C) = ke(=D) k h
Aristo 95 1/2 0130 Generic slide rule of plastic, 284x27x3.7 mm
Front Scales: A = B C = D, Back Scales: 28cm = S T =
Aristo 958 - 400g Geodät 0339 Generic slide rule of plastic, 339x48x45 mm (1959)
Front Scales: 1-cos 1-cos A = B 1/tga/2 sin cos sin cos cos2 = D L K, Back Scales: <ctg <tg <arc CF = DF DIF CI C = D P <sin <cos
Aristo 99 Rietz 0132 Generic slide rule of plastic, 310x41x7 mm
Front Scales: 28cm / K A = B CI C = D L
Back Scales: = S ST T =
Aristo Aviat 613 5742 Aviation disc of plastic, 130x77 mm
Front Scales: see picture
Back Scales: see picture
Aristo Aviat 615 (front side) 0170 Aviation disc of plastic, 140 x 5 mm
Front Scales: ca 20 scales
Back Scales: 1) = 2) 3) 4) = 5) 6)
Aristo Aviat 617 0172 Aviation disc of plastic, 140x250x7 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) = 3) 4) 5) + 4 windows + 6) 7) 8) 9) 10), Back Scales: 11) = 12) 13)
Aristo Drum 3244 Cylinder
Aristo G 616 Aviat 0171 Aviation disc of plastic, 114x250x1 mm (1956)
Front Scales: 1) = 2) 3)
Back Scales: 4) 5) = 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12)
Aristo gwr 1355 Aviation slide rule of plastic, 381x425x7 mm
Front Scales: 1) 2) / 3) = 4) 5) = 6); on cursor 7) ] 36cm
Aristo Nautical 3242 Nautical cylinder
Aristo Stahlbeton 939 System Göttsch Front only 5774 Concrete slide rule of plastic, 337x48x4.2 mm
Front Scales: [kgm] [tm] M = b sb K r = h
Back Scales: s'e and M [kgm] [tm] = b table sb r = z h
Aristo Studio 0968 for 400° 6007 Generic slide rule of plastic, 37x48x4.5 mm (1954)
Front Scales: LL01 LL02 LL03 A = B L K C = D LL3 LL2 LL1, Back Scales: ST T1 T2 DF = CF CIF CI C = D P S